
The problem with energy blocks

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Why are energy blocks so bad for us?" It's simple: the purpose of energy is to flow and not to be stuck. Energy wants to keep moving. That it's nature and just the way it is. Movement is what gives energy its dynamic...

Are your decisions based on fear or inner power?

We all want to have a perfect personal magnetism or sexual magnetism. To be admired by everyone and influence anyone. But perfection is impossible to attain. We can get very good, but not perfect. And that's ok! It's ok NOT to be perfect. It's ok NOT to have a perfect...

What is your current level of energy awareness?

At any moment in life, we have a level of awareness and consciousness that determine what you are aware in your daily living. If you are a clock maker you are going to notice many details about the clocks you see in your daily life that simply go unnoticed to everyone...

What is the engine of your inner power?

Yesterday we discussed about the energy of a physical space. And in fact, it's something important and worthy of consideration. Yet, before you hire some Feng Shui expert to change your whole house, you need to consider a much more important aspect. Although your...

Can you influence the energy of a physical space?

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Can a physical space (like a room) have energy?" For sure yes! In fact that's the basis of disciplines like Feng Shui and its indian counterpart Vastu Shastra. When you enter a room or a house, you can feel its energy...

How to handle your insecurities

I've often receive questions from students about certain insecurities they have. It can be related about being short, or too tall, or bald, or fat or skinny or having a big nose. Among many others. Do they really matter in terms of sexual attraction? We have spoken...

Curing your chronic illnesses

In todays world it's quite normal to have a few aches here and there, insomnia, stomach and bowel problems, skin issues, headaches, among many others. These type of chronic situations are now a norm rather than an exception. We have forgotten how to listen to the...

Can you move objects with your mind?

Here's an interesting question from a reader: "why is it so hard to affect physical reality with energy? Like moving objects or influencing water and so on" It's indeed hard to accomplish something like telekinesis. Once you understand energy and its workings as we do...

This energy stuff is a lot easier

Many students come seeking these type of energy methods and techniques as a way to avoid doing out of fear or anxiety. As in: "I can't talk to a woman directly and express my interest, but with this energy stuff I don't need to, so she will be attracted without me...

Creating your reality with Neville Goddard part 2

On the previous post I started out commenting on a quote of Neville Goddard on how your reality came to be. Why do you have the life you now have. We will now continue with this work. Neville: "The subconscious is not selective; it is impersonal and no respecter of...

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