
You are what you think, you are building your own mind

William Walker Atkinson wrote: "Man should realize that he is what he thinks. He should know that he is building up his mind, unconsciously it is true, by the character of the thoughts he is thinking. If he is thinking bright, cheerful, happy, confident and courageous...

Aliveness and Personal Magnetism

Magnetism and aliveness might as well be synonyms. You can't be dead inside and still have personal magnetism. Most people are walking dead. True zombies. They are doing what they don't want to do most of the day and then numbing themselves down with mindless...

Decrease the resistance inside of you

The exercises you do to increase and grow your magnetism are as important as what you do to decrease the resistance to personal magnetism and its energy. Personal magnetism it's not only about growing the energy or learning how to project it. If you don't allow it to...

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