
Using the Act of Will

In his memoirs, Carl Jung recollects how in his childhood years, he started having fainting fits. This was because another kid knocked him unconscious once, and then he gradually developed fainting as an unconscious defense mechanism. The fainting fits started to...

The power of Words

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "Affirmation consists of the act or process of expressing in verbal form—in words—the statement of the thought or idea of that which you desire to materialize in objective reality. Words are crystallized thought....

The Will is the foundation

The Will is the foundation for everything you do. Everything begins with the Will and ends with the Will. You may think you only want sexual magnetism or anything like that, so the Will is secondary. But you'll soon find it essential in all aspects of life. The Will...

Are you an amateur or a professional?

One of the most significant issues for many people these days is procrastination, or not doing what you should do. One of the reasons is that we are now rarely in a position where we have to do something. Just think about our ancestors from 100 years ago. Whether it...

Being a monk

A student once mentioned this quote by William Walker Atkinson: "Any exercise or work that excites the mind stimulates the senses, calls the emotions and appetites into action, confuses, terrifies or emotionalizes, weakens the power of concentration. This is why all...

Avoiding the scattered mind

In these modern times, it's quite common that our mind is scattered between 1000 different thoughts, projects, and ideas. You may be doing one thing, but you're already thinking about what to do next and what you should do the next day. Consequently, you don't focus...

The powerful of effects of magnetism

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson "The flow of physical magnetism soon becomes perfectly apparent to a person, and he is as certain of his radiation as he is that he is radiating heat on a warm day. It is one of those things which cannot well be...

Be gone block

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Do energetic blocks come back? Is it possible that a block gets back to you even once you've unblocked it? Or is it that maybe, in that case, you have not unblocked that block in the first place?" A block can come back,...

A special partner

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Do you need your partner to have high sexual energy to develop yours?" Not necessarily. You may or may not want someone with a lot of sexual energy with you. Maybe you value other traits not necessarily related to sex....

The projection of physical magnetism

Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "The projection of the physical magnetism, by the will, is, in a way, a very simple procedure, consisting of two processes, as follows: (1) The belief in, or realization of, one’s powers to so project the...

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