The end of the year is always an exciting time. It's like closing off a cycle and beginning a new one. Although it's an artificial construction (unlike the Winter Solstice, which is a natural one), it still affects us due to the cultural baggage it brings. And that's...
The Power of Poise – Part 2
Here's an interesting quote from Christian Larson, continuing last week's email on Poise: "Poise may be defined as peace and power combined; a state of being wherein you feel perfectly serene and exceedingly strong at the same time. Why peace and power must combine in...
Importance of tension energy for sexual energy training
A question usually arises about the importance of tension energy to sexual energy work. The answer is straightforward. Tension energy development can be quite an advantage for healthy sexual energy. You can consider tension energy exercises like cleaning the pathways...
Having fulfilling sexual energy interactions
When you are allowing sexual energy to flow within you, interactions and "what to say" just come naturally. It's like the right words pop up. And particularly when the other person is also connected to the interaction, you'll have a fantastic "tennis match." However,...
The Power of Poise
Here's an interesting quote from Christian Larson: "Whatever we wish to attain or accomplish, power is required; and since it is our privilege as well as our desire to attain much and accomplish much, any method through which we may increase our power will naturally...
The Benefits of Awareness
Awareness may seem useless or unimportant, somewhat of a buzzkill. No one truly wants to develop awareness. Maybe you want to send blue lightning out of your eyes or kill chickens with your energy; awareness is definitely on the low list of priorities. Yet, you can...
We can’t avoid sexual energy
Regardless of how "pure" you might think you should be, we can't ignore or avoid sexual energy. It's a part of us whether we like it or not. Whether you think that sex and sexual energy are "evil," they will still be there inside of you. As much as you try to avoid...
Your habits and you
Here's an interesting quote by Frederick Bailes: "Students sometimes wonder whether they must give up certain habits in order to make their demonstration. We are not keepers of morals and, at this point, place no restrictions upon the student. We feel that each person...
The internal workings of a manifestation technique
In our last email, we talked about whether we should set higher goals, which are almost unrealistic, or lower the bar, setting our expectations lower - and a good way of doing it that doesn't involve one or another but instead uses both. By doing it this way, you use...
Higher goals or lowering the bar
I've often been asked whether we should set higher goals, which are almost unrealistic, or lower the bar, setting our expectations lower. The first option has an interesting logic: "Shoot for the moon, and if you miss, you'll still be in the stars." This means that...