Are you embarrassed of your sexuality?

I’ve got a student asking me if I wasn’t embarrassed to talk so openly about sexuality and sexual energy.It’s not a silly question since many of us actually harvest some feelings of shame and guilt about sexuality.

If you are embarrassed to talk about it, then you’re also embarrassed to project it, and you’re also embarrassed to actually have sex!

Even if it’s not to talk about it, maybe it’s the fear of letting everyone think of yourself as a sexual person.

And if you are afraid of this… afraid that others feel your raw sexuality, then how can you project?

Even if you are already an advanced student of sexual energy, this can be happening to you, so don’t discard it so easily.

Ask yourself:

Are you cutting short the sexuality in yourself?

Could you be more sexual?

Could you project more sexual energy?

Notice in your conversations and interactions, do you feel ANY sexual energy? Do you feel yourself cutting
the sexuality out of the interaction?

You can easily discover if this happening by feeling the energy of your interactions as we discuss in the
Sexual Magnetism course.

Just imagine what you could accomplish if there were no limits to your sexual projection? What if you
weren’t limiting yourself in your sexuality?

why shouldn’t you pursue material goods and sensual experiences that you rightly deserve?

When you have good sex with a woman, filled with sexual energy, it’s a great shared experience you are conveying to her and to yourself.

Don’t eliminate this experiences from your life due to guilt, shame or embarrassment.

Discover your sexual energy using the training program Sexual Energy Mastery:

And learn how to project it with the Sexual
Magnetism training:

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