Doing exercises is easy
As you know, Charisma School offers no shortage of exercises. Across all the courses, there are probably dozens.
These exercises are easy to stick with, as habits can be relatively easy to form. All it takes is a few weeks to a month, and you’ve established the habit of doing a certain exercise daily.
But while that’s important and part of the process, it’s not enough.
It’s not just about showing up. You also need insight and awareness of your internal processes.
Doing an exercise consciously and with full awareness is a completely different experience.
I wish I could say that developing magnetism is as simple as doing exercise X for Y number of days, but it’s not straightforward.
If you’re doing it mindlessly, just going through the motions, it won’t make much of a difference.
Any Charisma School exercise aims to help you become aware of your energy and mental processes and gain deeper insight into yourself.
This applies to both the basic exercises and the more advanced ones. Every exercise offers a window into yourself… but it’s up to you to make the most of it.
Magnetism isn’t some magical energy that will instantly transform your life. That energy is already within you. It’s always been there. You just need to understand how you’re losing it. And to do that, you need self-awareness.
There’s no shortcut, and brute-forcing your way through the exercises without thought can slow your progress.
No matter which exercise you’re doing, make sure to keep your awareness sharp.
Thought is building
Here’s an interesting quote by Charles Haanel:
“We know that thought is building for us the thing we think of and actually bringing it nearer, yet we find it difficult to banish fear, anxiety or discouragement, all of which are powerful thought forces, and which continually send the things we desire further away, so that it is often one step forward and two steps backward.
The only way to keep from going backward is to keep going forward. Eternal vigilance is the price of success. There are three steps, and each one is absolutely essential. You must first have the knowledge of your power; second, the courage to dare; third, the faith to do.
With this as a basis you can construct an ideal business, an ideal home, ideal friends, and an ideal environment. You are not restricted as to material or cost. Thought is omnipotent and has the power to draw on the Infinite bank of primary substance for all that it requires. Infinite resources are therefore at your command.
But your ideal must be sharp, clear-cut, definite; to have one ideal today, another tomorrow, and a third next week, means to scatter your forces and accomplish nothing; your result will be a meaningless and chaotic combination of wasted material.
Unfortunately this is the result which many are securing, and the cause is self evident. If a sculptor started out with a piece of marble and a chisel and changed his ideal every fifteen minutes, what result could he expect? And why should you expect any different result in molding the greatest and most plastic of all substances, the only real substance?
The result of this indecision and negative thought is often found in the loss of material wealth. Supposed independence which required many years of toil and effort suddenly disappears. It is often found then that money and property are not independence at all. On the contrary, the only independence is found to be a practical working knowledge of the creative power of thought.”
Changing your filters
In the previous post, we talked about the filters we place on reality and how they shape the way we see the world.
Now, the question is: how do we change them? How do we shift from a dark view of reality or alter deeply held beliefs?
These deep-rooted beliefs are always connected to the body and our energy.
Often, we start believing in them because of how we feel. Over time, our attention becomes focused on finding more examples in the world to reinforce those beliefs. Our attention is shaped by the energy we hold in our bodies.
If your energy is negative, heavy, or stagnant, your attention will naturally seek out situations that match that energy.
And you will find them.
You might think you’re being rational, but simple experiments with energy can show otherwise. Your behaviors, thoughts, and beliefs often originate from your energy more than you realize.
That’s why we aim to expand our energy, ensuring it flows freely as it should.
When this happens, you can experience new perspectives, fresh ways of thinking, and a transformed mindset.
Openness and expansion are key to this process. When your energy is open and flowing, your mind becomes flexible and capable of change. But when energy contracts, you’re trapped, as if locked in a prison of your own making.
This is a crucial part of The Unblocking Process course — dissolving these energetic contractions and gaining awareness of how your energy body influences your life.