Talking in casual social situations

Here’s an intriguing question from a student:

“I noticed I seem to find it easier to talk to close friends or my husband but I find it extremely difficult to communicate with acquaintances, especially those I see regularly. What could be some of the causes?”

We’re all usually comfortable talking with close friends and spouses. At least, that’s the norm unless there are specific issues in those relationships.

Close friends and partners typically know us from a more intimate perspective, so our barriers are much lower.

It’s as if we can truly be ourselves with that select group of people, sometimes just one or two individuals. Regardless, we know they accept us as we are.

Conversely, interactions with acquaintances or in casual social settings tend to be more challenging because we don’t really know them, and they don’t know us intimately. Therefore, we often maintain social restrictions and wear a mask that we wouldn’t with close friends.

It’s like adding layers of protection between ourselves and the outside world. As we become more comfortable with acquaintances, these layers tend to diminish—or at least, that’s the ideal scenario.

As a general rule, the harder it is to talk with acquaintances, the more significant the barriers and masks we put up.

Naturally, this can affect our magnetism because the more barriers we have, the less our energy can shine through.

It’s important to recognize that sometimes these barriers persist even in close relationships, not just in casual social situations. Many of them are unconscious, driven by a need to keep these masks and layers between ourselves and the external world. Unblocking them is the single most significant step toward improving our magnetism.

That’s what we do in the course:
>>> The Unblocking Process

World without, world within

Here’s an interesting quote by Charles Haanel:

“Yet there are many who are not ready to enter into the discipline necessary to think correctly, even though it is evident that wrong thinking has brought failure.

Thought is the only reality; conditions are but the outward manifestations; as the thought changes, all outward or material conditions must change in order to be in harmony with their creator, which is thought.

But the thought must be clear cut, steady, fixed, definite, unchangeable; you cannot take one step forward and two steps backward, neither can you spend twenty or thirty years of your life building up negative conditions as the result of negative thoughts, and then expect to see them all melt away as the result of fifteen or twenty minutes of right thinking.

If you enter into the discipline necessary to bring about a radical change in your life, you must do so deliberately, after giving the matter careful thought and full consideration, and then you must allow nothing to interfere with your decision.

This discipline, this change of thought, this mental attitude will not only bring you the material things which are necessary for your highest and best welfare, but will bring health and harmonious conditions generally.

If you wish harmonious conditions in your life, you must develop an harmonious mental attitude.

Your world without will be a reflection of your world within.”

The true insight

There are different layers of understanding or insight that you can have regarding your problems and issues.

Most of the time, people refer to an intellectual understanding:

“I know this was due to my father saying I’m a failure,” or “I know this was because I was bitten by a dog when I was 3 years old,” or “I know this was because Anna from kindergarten told me I was ugly.”

Whatever it is, if you know the cause but still feel it, then it means you have an intellectual understanding of it.

Your mind grasps it, but your body and energy don’t. It means there’s a disconnect between your mind and your body. You understood it intellectually, but you haven’t really integrated it inside. The body didn’t get it.

In real insight or understanding, you feel the change in your body and energy. It’s a calm energization, with a solid energy surrounding it.

It feels unified.

This either happens or it doesn’t. There’s no “I kind of get it.” The feeling of true insight is unmistakable.

When it’s only intellectual, there are no bodily changes or energy movements. Everything stays the same inside even if your mind understands it. Your body and energy won’t lie.

Even in intellectual understanding, you can find different layers. I can explain that each water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. You can, of course, easily grasp it intellectually and memorize it.

But if I now take you to a lab and show you a microscopic image of a water molecule, you’ll get a completely different level of understanding. When you experience it firsthand, the insight is solid; it becomes something else.

You don’t solve your problems or become magnetic by having intellectual understanding. At most, they give you motivation and guidance to dig deeper. But the tools you use to dig must be different from those you used before.

Start to understand the mind-body-energy connection with the course:
>>> Vitality and Energy Training

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