This week I’ll dwelve into activities that boost brain power. If you are going to chose a hobby, might as well choose one that it’s good for the brain to keep it active and stimulated. Hobbies that require the use of several differences senses in non-routine ways and to make fine distinctions within one sensory system can be a great stimulation for the brain.
I want you to know several different sources of brain training activities that you can do during your day to day life to keep your brain sharp. I’ll introduce you to more of them during the coming weeks.
Here are the exercises for this week:
Exercise 5 “SuperBrain Yoga” – If I had to recommend just ONE exercise for brain training and hemispheric sync, this would be the one. It’s an ancient exercise from India to balance the hemispheres of the brain. Check below for a video demonstration of SuperBrain Yoga.
Exercise 6 “CrossCrawling 2” – It’s a variation from last weeks exercise.
Exercise 7 “Non-Dominant Hand, Harder Activities” -Last week you were introduced to some easy activities to do with your non-dominant hand. It’s time to step it up a notch… it even includes shaving 🙂
Exercise 8 “Hemispheric Sync 2” – Another sequel to last week exercise. This time a little bit harder.
Exercise 9 “Breaking Routines” – Most of us go through our day to day lives engaged in a series of fixed routines. It’s just human nature to seek the routine and safety. The problem here is that the brain doesn’t make new associations that are required to keep the brain in shape. This exercise changes that.
Here’s the video for this week:
If you want to watch this video on YouTube click here:
Boost Brain Power Activities Week 2
Recommended Reading:
“SuperBrain Yoga” by Master Choa Kok Sui
“Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic Exercices” by Lawrence Katz and Manning Rubin
“Whole Brain Power: The Fountain of Youth For the Mind and Body” by Michael Lavery and Gregory Walsh