Here’s an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson:
“Did you ever stop to think that in the case of some of the mighty bridges spanning the rivers surrounding New York City, each span, each strand of steel, each support, each bit of construction – and the whole bridge in its entirety – existed and was created in the mind of the designer before it was manifested or materialized?
Did you ever think that the great buildings which rear their imposing forms and shapes along our business streets were created in the minds of their architects, and actually existed in their minds before the building could be erected?
Did you ever think that the delicate mechanism of the watch you are carrying in your pocket existed in the mind of its designer long before the material watch was evolved from the parts? The watch would not be, and could not be, unless the designer had seen it all in his minds eye, down to the smallest detail, before he materialized it.
The above statements are more or less commonplace, but the majority of people overlook these important facts in the contemplation of material things. They ignore the fact that anything and everything that has ever been created in material form must of necessity have been created in mental form previously. There is no exception to this rule.
Every thing that is materialized must have existed previously in the mind of the person creating it. The house, the bridge, the watch, the suit of clothes, the hat, the pen-knife, the shoes, the buttons on the clothes – everything that you can see, or think of, that has been made, has first been created mentally, in its every part and a whole.
When we materialize a thing by creating or building, we simply build the material around the mental picture of the thing that we have first created. The primal building is in the mind. And this is true of financial success just as it is true of everything else. Some build little, seeing only just a little in advance of their building, and thus do their mental creation by piece-meal. Others see the whole thing in general outlines, and then fill in the details as they go along. The principle is the same in both cases.”
Although this seems to be obvious, when we go to the root source, we always find this important insight in there.
That’s why William Walker Atkinson, and other authors, always talk about “Thoughts are Things”.
Achieving any kind of goal is not different. You need to know what you want, be able to see it in your mind, create this mental picture and bring it to physical manifestation.
That is a very basic – yet advanced – knowledge that many people still don’t grasp.
We work on this in Magnetic Manifestation training.