energy work

The different qualities of energy

In Charisma School we have been working with mostly two types of energy: Tension energy - the energy of personal magnetism and the Will. and Sexual energy - the energy of sexual attraction and sexuality. There are of course many more types of energy, but each of these...

3 dangers of energy training

Today I wanted to bring your attention to three dangers that everyone doing Charisma School energy trainings may come across 1) The first is taking shortcuts in the training. It's very easy to cut corners. You know that a certain skill or exercise is not yet well...

Why do you keep having the same energy blocks?

On the last email, I wrote about energy blocks and how they work. But there's an important point I haven't addressed: Why do you keep having the same energy blocks? When students start to become aware of their own energy and their own internal blocks, they notice that...

Are energy blocks bad for you?

I've written before about energy blocks and what exactly are them.   In short: energy blocks are like knots in the energetic highways. They don’t allow the energy to move from point A to point B. They congest the whole system.   So, they are definitely a negative...

Changing and transmuting energies

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Is it possible to change my energy from one specific form to another instantly, if I have mastered both of them? For example, from sexual energy to spiritual energy." Considering you already trained both energies, it's...

What is your intuition?

Intuition is a fairly complicated topic. Intuition is a process that gives you the ability to know something directly without analytic reasoning. You don’t have to think to know something. When faced with 2 or more choices, you are using your intuition when simply...

methods for increasing your energy awareness

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Does your energy awareness increase as you consciously practice in the real world or do you need to do "alone practices" constantly?" This is actually a "Yes" for both. You see, your energy awareness increases as you...

Have lightning rays come out of your hands!

There's an unspoken supposition of newer students to energy methods. They usually think that they will be firing rays out of their hands (or eyes) like in the movies. Or having lightning strong energy moving inside of them. Yet, energy work is a lot more subtle than...

Energetic Dead Zones

An important concept to understand when working with energy is the concept of "energetic dead zones". This means that there are certain areas of your body which seem like a dead zone, energy wise. You just don't feel any energy in those places. It's like they don't...

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