will state

Apply Will at your Full Capacity

The occultist L. W. Laurence wrote:"The student who has developed will-power can, without doubt, influence his fellow beings to do that which he wills them to do. It is this unseen element that often causes men and women to do things in business, social and domestic...

Victorian Will Vs Charisma School Will

There's an important difference that often gets confused in the terminology. You may hear or read about Will and Will power in these articles and have an idea in your mind about what is it. Unfortunately it's often the wrong idea. And so it's important to clarify....

Will, Will Power and Will State

Here's an interesting question from a reader: "I am curious how you would define the difference between willpower, the will, and the will state?" Indeed these three concepts can appear to be very similar. But there are important differences you should keep in mind....

The permanent Act of Will

We've all heard or met individuals who stop negative habits (or start positive ones) from one day to the next with very little effort and/or side effects.Most likely you also had an uncle or a friend who woke up one day and just decided to quit his 20 years smoking...

The Way of the Samurai

I've always admired the Samurais.The ancient warriors of Japan who follow an honor code called Bushido. Even though you're far away from being a Samurai and the Bushido honor code might seem outdated in your modern eyes, there are some lessons to take which can be...

How to keep your energy flowing

We have discussed the Will State before. And it's so important that a bonus training on the Will State is freely available to all students in the Charisma School curriculum. An important thing to add is that the Will State is not merely a technique to use when you see...

Are you asleep? Are you a robot?

The philosopher Colin Wilson wrote: "Modern civilization induces an attitude of ‘passivity.’ When a Stone Age hunter set out to trap wild animals, he was aware of his Will as a living force. When the prehistoric farmer scourged the surface of the earth with a crude...

Achieve a Powerful Mental State

There's an interesting exercise I often give my students to do.A simple mental state log. All you need to do is to record your moods or states on an app, or on a simple notebook, in a daily basis using a scale of 1-10, where 10 is "I feel capable of moving the world...

Will State and the Superior Mental Power

It's not the first time I talk about the Will State in this newsletter. It's an important concept that is not developed enough in any current or past text of magnetism or energy training.They talk about superior mental supremacy and superior states of mind but there's...

The importance of the Will Training

We have often talked about training your Will. Yet, let's make one thing very clear:No mere practice will develop Will per se. Will exists forever, fully developed in itself. It's our own inner most power.We can't train to develop it. But practice will develop in us...

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