William Walker Atkinson wrote this insightful piece about the Will:
“It is a well known fact among horsemen, that certain horses possess a subtle quality called “class” which is recognized as existent, but which defies definition or explanation.
Its power may be imagined when it is realized that when two horses of equal speed contest with each other, the thoroughbred horse will always intimidate and discourage his opponent so that he will drop to the rear.
It is not a matter of brute strength or show of violence that accomplishes this result, for the classy horse may be very gentle—it is a subtle manifestation of Will, which the other horse recognizes as superior to his own, and he gives up the struggle. […]
A writer in a magazine, in an article entitled “The Taming of Animals,” expresses the idea in these words: “Put two male baboons in the same cage, and they will open their mouths, show all their teeth, and ‘blow’ at each other.
But one of them, even though he may possess the uglier dentition, will blow with a difference, with an inward shakiness that marks him for the under dog at once. No test of battle is needed at all.
It is the same with the big cats. Put two, or four, or a dozen lions in together, and they also probably
without a single contest, will soon discover which one of them possesses the mettle of the master.
Thereafter he takes the choice of the meat; if he chooses, the rest shall not even begin to eat until he has finished; he goes first to the fresh pan of water.
In short he is the ‘king of the cage’. Now, then, when a tamer goes into a den with a big cat that has taken a notion to act ‘funny’ his attitude is almost exactly like that of the ‘king beast’ above mentioned would be toward a subject rash and ill-advised enough to challenge his kingship.
The conflict of the Will, silent and subtle, but active and vigorous, goes on between persons who meet and whose interests clash. When two such persons meet there is manifested that silent Will struggle between them, from which one emerges a victor, and the other defeated for the moment.”
It’s important to notice that this “conflict of the Will” that Atkinson talks about, is often very much unconscious. It goes underneath words.
If you recall your own interactions, you simply know who has more power, who has the stronger Will and you unconsciously position yourself in a lower or higher position.
In the 10 Steps to Inner Power we work precisely in this important Will. In recognizing it, strengthening it and using it in your daily life and your own interactions.