William Walker Atkinson said some true and wise words:
“The basis of all personal power resides in the Will and that if one intends to accomplish anything in this world he must acquire a powerful Will.
Not only does this expression of the Will stir into activity the latent powers and dormant energies of the man’s mind, bringing to the accomplishment of the task all his reserve force, power and strength, but it does much more. It impresses those around him with a mighty psychical power which tends to beat down their opposing wills, and leads them captive.
In all conflicts between men, the strongest Will wins the day. The struggle may be short, or it may be long, but the end is the same always — the man of the strongest Will wins.”
Your Will is in connection with everything that you do in life. Interactions with others, projects you want to start (and finish!), as well as personal and sexual magnetism.
You can develop sexual energy through any method, yet it will only get transmitted to the outside world through your Will. Behind any energy projection there’s always the Will.
That’s why Atkinson said “The man of the strongest Will wins”. Not only your energy becomes stronger, but you’ll also project it outward with an immense power.
Your Will is THE key to Personal Magnetism and Sexual Magnetism as I’ve been writing on this newsletter for some years.
Until next Tuesday (21st of April) there is a special launch price on the training. After this date there’s a price raise!