Your superficial tensions

There are different levels of tension and contraction within us, all of which are relevant to become aware of because they prevent our energy from flowing properly.

These tensions are consequences of early unconscious defense mechanisms; they are attempts to protect us from internal or external threats.

Understanding these tensions is fundamental.

For example, the most superficial level of tension is muscular. If you make a fist with your hand and hold it tightly, you are using a superficial level of tension.

This level is superficial in the sense that it is close to your highest level of awareness. It’s easy to become aware of whether you have a tight fist or not. That’s why we start our energy work with this kind of tension.

But this is only the beginning of our work.

It’s an important start, as we often have many superficial muscular tensions that we are unaware of or don’t understand. When we start this work, our awareness is not yet fully developed, so we need to begin with these types of tensions and contractions and slowly work through them.

This is one reason the exercises of tension energy include tensing and releasing (though it’s not the only reason). You start to realize what is tense and what is not.

This awareness is not as obvious as it might seem.

In fact, our most significant blocks are often in this layer, but they are so ingrained that we don’t notice them, even after many months of practicing energy exercises.

However, there are many more levels of tension and contraction beneath the superficial ones. These can be quite subtle. The interesting aspect is that these more subtle levels often reveal significant contractions and defenses underneath, which raises the question: what is really superficial or deep?

What matters is that your energy can flow as it should. For that, you need energetic awareness.

That’s the work we start to do with course:
>>> Vitality and Energy Training

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