How to develop boundless self-confidence that communicates itself to people around you! Ten steps you must take. Small and simple but the power they give you can change your entire life!
Imagine living at a level of confidence and magnetism that makes you feel enthusiastic and powerful daily. A level of confidence that allows you to cope calmly with the hectic social problems of modern life and attract optimum results aligned with your greatest intentions.
No more being always anxious, nervous, and tense in social situations.
No more being always the quiet, shy one; the one that never said a word and just stood there.
No more being abused or pushed around by others or giving in to fear.
You will gain such potential from this powerful online course. Experience the power of the Charisma School training and help yourself to develop the biggest Self-Confidence and Inner Power you ever had!
This approach is a modern antidote to low self-confidence and self-esteem. It presents simple but powerful processes from ancient science to increase your Inner Power and Charisma. Program components include mind training, assertiveness, leadership, will, and more! Practicing according to the program can enhance your life in ways you never thought possible.
The 10 Steps to Confidence & Inner Power is created using the Charisma School Technology and an ancient system of personal magnetism for self-empowerment and personal growth. It opens up the possibility of living life with inner power!
Through Charisma School, the possibilities of gaining long-lasting Inner Power and Charisma, which were once available only to those already born with it, are now being offered to every human being in the comfort of their own home.
This program synthesizes holistic sciences that cultivate your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic state, ultimately aligning you with your flow of Inner Power and Charisma. It also lays the foundation to learn the Charisma School Will and energetic practices of immeasurable transformative power and antiquity that we are – finally – bringing to the modern world.
What exactly do you gain from the 10 Steps to Confidence and Inner Power course?

Boost Your Healthy Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem
Many people suffer from a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem. These traits make it easier to take the actions you need to take to achieve what you want… and keep taking them when you experience setbacks. Past experiences (some of which we may not remember) cause us to be afraid of failure – and, sometimes, even scared of success. As a result, we can feel frustrated if we still need to find our place in the world. The 10 Steps program allows you to change your thinking, actions, and behaviors. It develops your Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem to a level you’ve never had!

Discover The Personal Magnetism That Lies Within You
Have you noticed how some people appear to glow… how they have a presence that says they are someone special… how they exude charm? Imagine that during each and every communication you have, that person is drawn to you without even knowing why. Imagine what this could mean for your relationships, business or job, everyday encounters, and even something as simple as going shopping! That is personal magnetism.
On this program, you’ll get the barebones to develop this kind of personality on how to exert a powerful, irresistible influence on others. Simple yet effective techniques.

Develop Your Assertive Behavior
Assertive communication can strengthen your relationships, reduce stress from conflict, and provide social support when facing difficult times. It can also help you handle complicated family, friends, and co-workers more efficiently, reducing drama and stress in your life.
It’s the 21st Century must-have skill in today’s hectic world where everyone keeps pushing everyone.
By developing assertiveness, you can learn how to modify your behavior in social and business interactions. You can develop this assertiveness with a few minor changes in your life. Know precisely what these changes are.

Expand the Power of Your Will
The Will is deeply related to our inner power. It has a close connection with the core of our being (our very self) and also enables us to decide what is to be done, apply the necessary means for realization, persist in the task in the face of all obstacles and difficulties, and control your day-to-day habits (have you ever wanted to get rid of a bad habit?).
It is our primary inner power of consciousness that allows us to fulfill our purpose in the world. It’s vital to your development since most people have minimal Will these days.
This is a cornerstone of this whole course as you’ll expand the power of your Will.

Emotional Resiliency (Or Endure WHAT Life Throws Your Way!)
Do you get stuck in challenging experiences? Caught in a whirlwind of difficult emotions, feeling vulnerable, lost, or out of control?
Emotional resiliency means enduring what life throws your way — no matter how adversarial or painful.
Once this resiliency is strengthened, you can create and maintain strong personal boundaries – only expending time and energy on activities that align and enhance your values and personal mission. Never again be stuck in negative situations without knowing how to escape them. Instead, you’ll learn how to keep a cool head and deal with whatever adversities you encounter.

Improve Your Personal Achievements
You can be reactive and allow life to happen to you, or you can proactively go after the fulfilled life you always wanted. You determine the course for your future.
The goal here is to unlock your potential for maximum greatness, help you rise to your personal best, and turn on a powerful and sustaining passion for excelling in any endeavor.
No matter what your dreams and aspirations are, one thing is sure: To achieve them, you must have the right tools to guarantee your success. With this course, we intend to give it to you so you can become your highest self.

Face Your Fears
Everyone has fears… me, you, your next-door neighbor, your boss, your friends… everyone… the difference is always in the degree to which we can face them and act despite them.
The goal here is not to become an adrenalin junkie or even to be fear-free, but to know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you can feel the fear and do it anyway!
But there are even more benefits of this training!

You Don’t Need to Take Time Out of Your Busy Schedule
Most of our videos are short and to the point and have specific exercises you can do during your day (you can also listen to them on your MP3 player). This has the double benefit of not having one more thing to add to your already loaded daily schedule and applying this knowledge in the real world, not in some fictional inner world. So you’ll test the techniques and do the exercises where it matters the most: in your daily life.
Most likely, you already had the experience of trying some method you learned, yet you can’t make it work when you really need it. This won’t happen here since you’ll start immediately in your day-to-day life.

Practical Training – No Fluff!
The 10 Steps to Confidence & Inner Power course is very practical training – no fluff, gimmicks, or useless reading. The videos are useful and practical since this is the only way to get the results you are after. Just reading or listening to some tapes or DVDs will never significantly improve this skill. That’s like trying to get in shape by sitting on the couch and reading a book about bodybuilders.

Get Access to The Charisma School Training Academy
You gain lifetime access to our Training Academy, a platform only available to Charisma School students and where all our products are – and will be – stored. This is a unique platform that only CS students will have access to and allow a closer interaction and sharing of information. Join a global community of charisma students dedicated to becoming the best they can be. Gain access to the timeless wisdom of a living tradition.

Several Formats For The Best Training Experience!
All the material is distributed through video and MP3 files for an optimum training experience. All 10 Steps and support videos are presented online to anyone who can stream video to a computer (if you can watch Youtube, you can watch these videos!). You can study this information as you prefer, at your own pace in your favorite space, from any computer, any location, at any time. View and review as many times as you like!

Email Support
We’ll also be available by email to answer any questions you might have. This is a crucial part of the training. Due to the experiential nature of this training, it will be tough to complete the training without the support of a qualified instructor. The system can sometimes have to be adjusted to fit someone’s needs, and that’s where we come in. We will work with you without any time limits until you reach the end of the 10 Steps and become confident. Whether you take 1 month or 1 year to finish the course, we’ll guide you. It’s about YOUR result, not another useless product on your shelf.
This course includes 47 videos and audio files (several hours!), distributed through 10 steps with assignments, unlocked every week for 10 weeks. It also includes free updates over time and a lifetime membership to Charisma School Training Academy, where you’ll have more exclusive courses and articles.
Because we understand how busy we are, 95% of the assignments and exercises will be done during your day. You won’t have to take specific time out of your schedule to do them. They are done where you spend most of your time and where you will apply your confidence most of your time: in the real world!

The cost for this course is $147.
I can’t guarantee you that the price will stay like this. This is a limited-time offer, and $147 is the absolute lowest price I will be offering it. You can come back tomorrow only to find the cost of the 10 Steps to Inner Power course has been increased.
So take advantage while it’s this low.
Aside from all the other goodies, you’ll also get a SECOND course to help you along your magnetic path.
The Biggest Secret of Personal Magnetism Bonus Course
There’s one secret that is not discussed in any of the usual courses on Personal Magnetism. Yet, it’s so crucial that it can make or break anything you do regarding personal development.
I once taught this to a team of salesmen, and when they started to apply it, their minds were blown. Not only were their sales consistently up, but every other technique that never quite worked for them now magically started to work wonders!
Why? It’s all due to the “Act of the Will,” which is the Biggest Secret of Personal Magnetism. It’s a powerful technique that transforms you into someone moved by Will and Intention, which makes all other techniques work much better, not just Personal Magnetism.
This is yours FREE when you invest in the 10 Steps to Inner Power course.

Don’t delay it. Don’t procrastinate. Get the 10 Steps to Confidence and Inner Power right now…while it’s still hot on your mind.
I’m so sure you’ll be pleased with this training and your results that I guarantee your satisfaction.


P. S. Let me say just one last thing: If you ever wanted to become Confidence and Charismatic, there is no better opportunity for you than this one right here! It’s up to you to take that action.
P. P. S. By the way, the 10 Steps to Confidence and Inner Power works anywhere in the world regardless of your culture: small town, big city, United States, Europe, India, Korea, or others. There are many success stories in the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Russia, South America, Japan, and more. Our principles are universal. So you’re not limited by your location in the world.