What is intuition

Here’s an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson:

“Modern philosophy is displaying much interest in certain forms of mental activity which are grouped under the category of “Intuition.” In this usage of the old term, “Intuition,” however, these philosophers do not refer to the ordinary conscious or subconscious activities of which the source remains hidden, and which, therefore, are frequently referred to as “intuitive.”

Neither do they refer to those acquired habits of action, once performed consciously but now manifested subconsciously, which are known as “instinctive.”

Instead, they employ the term to indicate that higher form of Reason made possible by the reports of the superconscious faculties concerning their perception of certain higher truths, which reports are then passed down to the Intellect for reasoning based upon induction or deduction, or similar forms of thought. They hold that these reports of Intuition are not contrary to those of Intellect, but merely are more direct and convincing in “feeling,” and serve rather to support the reports of the trained Intellect than to oppose or contradict them.

Reason, being furnished the combined reports of both Intellect and Intuition, is possessed of material far surpassing in both quantity and quality those arising from sense‑reports alone; consequently, the Higher Reason is able to produce materials of a quality and beauty far excelling those turned out by it when it is limited to the comparatively scanty and imperfect materials of the senses. Or, employing another figure of speech, we may say that the Higher Reason, in which Intellect is reinforced by Intuition, acts like the skilled geometer who being given certain “sighted points” is then able to measure, chart and map great regions of land or of space over which his feet have never trod, his airplane wings never flown, nor his eyes ever scanned. The Higher Reason, thus given these “sighted points” furnished by Intuition, is able to measure, chart and map great areas of thought and knowledge over which his senses have not traveled, and which they cannot perceive.

When Intellect, throwing aside its prejudices and false pride, asks questions of Intuition concerning matters which lie in the field of intuitional activity, and then takes over the report of Intuition and employs it as the basis of rational induction and deduction, a wonderful result is thus obtained. A wondrous blending is thus secured, and an entirely new field of thought spreads itself out to the Reason of the individual thinker. The
correlated and coordinated activities of Intellect and Intuition produce what may be called the report of the Higher Reason, or the Completed Reason. Here the individual secures “the faith that knows, and not merely believes.”

Magnetism is not perfection

It’s important to understand that being magnetic doesn’t mean being perfect, without any suffering, blocks, or energetic contractions.

This is a common misconception.

While healing and releasing your current blocks is a necessary part of developing strong magnetism, it doesn’t mean you’ll reach a state of perfection.

Though it’s important to address your blocks and sufferings, the key lies in being aware of your energy flow — not in completely avoiding it.

The essence is knowing yourself well enough that your true self can shine through, with all its vulnerabilities, likes, and dislikes.

It’s like getting to know your body and energy, ensuring your mind constantly connects with them. This way, you’ll understand yourself and your behaviors much better.

This process involves healing blocks from your past. You’ll learn from them and allow them to flow within you. But new blocks will always arise, which is why maintaining vigilance and awareness of your energy is crucial.

No matter how good you become at unblocking, there will always be new and old blocks within you. This is because we are all vulnerable in some way. We’re never perfect beings with flawless energy and ever-flowing, radiant magnetism.

The important part is getting to know yourself, your energy, and your tendencies toward new blocks that steal your freedom and influence your behavior. This means accepting your vulnerabilities and working with them to become truly magnetic.

Magnetism is an expression of who you are. It’s not about denying your humanity or creating a mask of constant perfection and positivity.

Distraction vs essence

Distractions are a necessary part of life, just like short-term pleasures, and there’s nothing wrong with enjoying them.

You shouldn’t feel guilty for watching a movie, binge-watching your favorite Netflix show, playing video games, or sharing a wonderful meal with friends over a nice bottle of wine.

The problem isn’t with the distractions themselves.

The problem arises when you’re addicted to distractions, especially when they overshadow your true essence.

When your mind is constantly checking social media every 10 minutes, when you spend whole days binge-watching Netflix, or when most of your time is spent hanging out with friends doing nothing — in other words, when the distraction becomes your life — that’s when you know there’s a problem.

You weren’t born into this world to watch Netflix or drink wine. At most, you might be here to produce Netflix shows or make wine, but not to be constantly distracted by them.

These distractions can be very tempting. The issue is when they become automatic, unconscious actions driven solely by bodily desires — when they turn into addictions.

While distractions and short-term pleasures are necessary, they shouldn’t define your life.

Think of a tree: it expands its roots below to seek water and nutrients while simultaneously reaching upward to seek light and bear fruit.

Enjoy your distractions and pleasures, but also seek to fulfill the essence of your being. That’s why it’s crucial to understand your body and energy deeply. If you’re constantly distracted, you’ll end up acting on all your desires indiscriminately. This is why we work on uncovering the roots of your behaviors in the Will Mastery course.

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