Charisma School

Energy, the carrier of information

In the last email, we discussed how energy serves as the link, the communication channel between the mind and body. To put it metaphorically, it’s like the connection between the architect who designs the blueprint and the materials used in constructing a house.

Energy facilitates communication between the mind and body in both directions. It conveys information from the mind to the body and vice versa.

So essentially, it acts as a carrier of information.

The first scenario is straightforward. You can say: “I want to go for a run in a few hours.” Here, the mind informs the body of the plan. However, if you break your leg stepping out of the shower, you won’t be able to run. In this case, the body informs the mind of the unexpected event.

Using our building analogy, adjustments to the architect’s blueprint may become necessary as construction progresses.

Perhaps the terrain doesn’t permit a certain part of the structure or ancient relics are discovered, requiring relocation, or the parts are sold out. Various adaptations are needed as the body becomes involved in the work of the mind, maybe they are sold out, etc. Various adaptations are needed as the body becomes involved in the work of the mind.

This information is conveyed back to the mind through energy.

If the mind disregards this input, construction may halt or proceed incorrectly for the given conditions (similar to attempting to run with a broken leg—it’s not feasible).

Consequently, the mind must revise the blueprint based on this new information from the external environment.

Some of the world’s creations have arisen from mistakes. These are instances where the mind adjusts to unforeseen events, resulting in something better. Consider penicillin—it was discovered by chance. The body (or matter) informed the mind, prompting a complete revision of the blueprint based on this new information.

This illustrates how the body also communicates with the mind, facilitated by energy, especially when creation is unfolding.

In many self-help and self-improvement techniques, emphasis is placed on creating a blueprint—a goal or objective—in the mind, often neglecting the carrier of information: energy. It’s akin to the architect failing to communicate effectively with the foreman, thus impeding the flow of information.

When the mind fails to communicate the correct plans to the body, OR when the energy mismatches the thought, and/or the body fails to inform the mind of its conditions (e.g., a broken leg), a disconnect or mismatch occurs, which energy training aims to correct.

Through energy training, you not only learn to interpret signals from your body but also to “translate” your thoughts into a language your body comprehends.

This is what we do in courses like “Vitality and Energy Training“.

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