Charisma School


Assume a higher concept of yourself

Here’s an interesting quote from Neville Goddard:

“The changes which take place in your life as a result of your changed concept of yourself always appear to the unenlightened to be the result, not of a change of your consciousness, but of chance, outer cause, or coincidence.

However, the only fate governing your life is the fate determined by your own concepts, your own assumptions; for an assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact. The ideal you seek and hope to attain will not manifest itself, will not be realized by you, until you have imagined that you are already that ideal.

There is no escape for you except by a radical psychological transformation of yourself,
except by your assumption of the feeling of your wish fulfilled. Therefore, make results or accomplishments the crucial test of your ability to use your imagination.

Everything depends on your attitude towards yourself. That which you will not affirm as true of yourself can never be realized by you , for that attitude alone is the necessary condition by which you realize your goal.

All transformation is based upon suggestion, and this can work only where you lay yourself completely open to an influence. You must abandon yourself to your ideal as a woman abandons herself to love, for complete abandonment of self to it is the way to union with your ideal. You must assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled until your assumption has all the sensory vividness of reality.

You must imagine that you are already experiencing what you desire. That is, you must assume the feeling of the fulfillment of your desire until you are possessed by it and this feeling crowds all other ideas out of your consciousness.

The man who is not prepared for the conscious plunge into the assumption of the wish fulfilled in the faith that it is the only way to the realization of his dream is not yet ready to live consciously by the law of assumption, although there is no doubt that he does live by the law of assumption unconsciously.

But for you who accept this principle and are ready to live by consciously assuming that your wish is already fulfilled , the adventure of life begins.

To reach a higher level of being, you must assume a higher concept of yourself.

If you will not imagine yourself as other than what you are, then you remain as you are,

If you do not believe that you are He (the person you want to be), then you remain as you are. Through the faithful systematic cultivation of the feeling of the wish fulfilled, desire becomes the promise of its own fulfillment. The assumption of the feeling of the wish fulfilled makes the future dream a present fact.”

Aligned sexual communication

Our communication with each other is much more than merely intellectual or conscious.

We’re projecting energy whether we want to or not.

But most people aren’t aware of what they’re projecting and what others are feeling from their interaction.

They’re only focused on the importance of the words being said, not the underlying sub-communication happening even before a single word is spoken.

This takes place through energy.

This fact is much more obvious with sexual energy. If your words aren’t infused with sexual energy or aren’t aligned with the sexual energy you feel inside, they’ll only feel dry.

The entire interaction remains intellectual instead of becoming sexual.

Even if you’re feeling sexual energy inside, if your words don’t align with it or aren’t infused with sexuality, then the interaction loses all its crucial magnetic aspects.

It’s like there’s a wall preventing the exchange of sexual energy between you and the other person.

Magnetic communication is always aligned with the energy you feel inside. Your words will only be magnetic when aligned with this energy; otherwise, they’ll be empty or non-magnetic.

That’s why understanding what your energy is doing and what you’re communicating is paramount for all magnetic interactions.

We work on this specifically in the course:
>>> Become a Sexual Man

Aligning the subconscious with the conscious

Last week, I wrote about a quote from Neville Goddard that caught my attention:

“The subconscious is what a man is. The conscious is what a man knows.”

If you reflect on your everyday life, you’ll realize how true this is.

Think about why you do the things you do throughout the day. You have certain impulses that push you into action. Even actions we consider very rational and logical are often driven by unconscious urges.

Our behavior is mostly influenced by our unconscious rather than our conscious mind.

The struggle between your subconscious and conscious (we might even say it’s a struggle between several subconscious drives) is evident in simple events in your life.

However you want to frame it, this is visible from simple events in your life. You might want to lose weight but find yourself reaching for junk food. You might desire a romantic relationship, yet feel anxious just talking to potential partners. You might aim to exercise more, but find laziness holding you back. And so on.

All these conflicts arise from the battle within ourselves between the conscious and the subconscious.

**Ultimately, what we desire is harmony between the subconscious and the conscious.**

The challenge lies in understanding our subconscious mind and how it communicates with us. Often, we only sense its effects, making it difficult to enact change.

Your subconscious can be reshaped once you comprehend it, especially its underlying motivations and impulses.

Without this understanding, you’re bound to face ongoing conflict.

At Charisma School, we approach this by raising awareness of our energy. By deeply connecting with our energy and body, we uncover its hidden motivations. Instead of relying solely on intellect and conscious thought, we seek to unite and synchronize the conscious with the unconscious through energy.

Start your energy training with the course:
>>> Vitality and Energy Training

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