Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "Mind‑Power has been known to the race, in one form or another, from time before history was written. In the earliest records we find many traces of it among all peoples. Many have been turned away from a...
mind power
What is intuition
Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "Modern philosophy is displaying much interest in certain forms of mental activity which are grouped under the category of “Intuition.” In this usage of the old term, “Intuition,” however, these philosophers do...
How mind power can aid you
Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "Before proceeding to our next lesson, I think it well to again call your attention to the several different ways in which thought can aid you in attaining success, through the influencing of men. Thought will...
Healing your body with your mind
I remember the first time I learned about the placebo effect in my teenage years. I was talking with a family member that was studying in the university and he casually mentioned in a derogatory manner something like: "That's nothing more than the placebo effect" I...
How much time spent in concentration training?
Here's an interesting question from a student: "When developing your concentration how much time did you spend daily working on it?" Concentration training requires the most effort in the very beginning. This is where your mind is the most restless and untamed. You...
The enslavement of your mind
In it's well known novel "Dune", Frank Herbert wrote: "Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them" Even though it was written in 1965, it couldn't be more...
How to become smarter
Without a doubt, during my magnetic training, I became smarter. Not "genius like" or doubling my IQ points since until now, we don't have any reliable way to do it. But fortunately we have many ways of becoming more intelligent and to increase your cognitive ability....
Concentration Training as a necessity
When you initially start concentration training, since it's a slow incremental change, you don't notice the big changes immediately. You only notice them over time... or, more quickly, if you are particularly in tune with your mental processes. But, for me, the...
Why mind power for personal magnetism?
One of my main questions early on in my training was: "Why do I need to develop my mind power, Will and concentration if all I want is personal magnetism?" Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVED the exercises on mind power, concentration and Will. I just felt my mind...
The discipline of a kung-fu master, the focus of a zen monk
This week we've been discussing about the power of concentration and focus. On Tuesday, we talked about it on more general terms, yesterday we discussed the initial 20 minutes and the buildup of mental energy. Today we are going to talk about how you already...