The psychologist Carl Jung mentioned that laziness is the strongest passion of humans. Even more significant than sex or anything else. I tend to agree with him. Going from an inert state to an action state takes considerable energy. Much more than keeping in motion....
act of will
A willful decision
When you want to do something, the easiest path is to make a willful decision. "I want to do X" - "I do X." It could be eating less, working out more, dedicating yourself to whatever project or training, etc. It can be as simple as: "I make my bed every morning."...
Using the Act of Will
In his memoirs, Carl Jung recollects how in his childhood years, he started having fainting fits. This was because another kid knocked him unconscious once, and then he gradually developed fainting as an unconscious defense mechanism. The fainting fits started to...
Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration
The famous writer Stephen King said an interesting sentence: "Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work." This is correct in pretty much everything in life, not just in creative endeavors. It's not just about writing or painting...
Why are you constantly drained?
Often I see people working, or doing chores and tasks but without any intention or commitment to them. They are doing them for the sake of doing, with no real energy put into it. This raises many questions for me. When I'm doing something, I'm doing it with my full...
New Video on Will Power
A new Charisma School video was just posted. "How to Correctly Use Your Will Power" On this video we address an important issue regarding Will Power. Will Power is not the same as repression, nor is repressing the only way to achieve what your objectives. There's...
Does tiredness affect your projection?
Here's an interesting question from a student: "can physical tiredness affect our projection?" Physical tiredness can affect our projection to a large degree. I'm sure you've experienced it, when you are tired, you don't quite feel up to any effort. Particularly the...
Improve your Will Connection
Most people think about using their Will in small things that they don't want to do or they must do. On the last email you've seen how this is actually not enough to develop the "Will". Here's a tip on how you can improve this Will connection in a somewhat easy...
Apply Will at your Full Capacity
The occultist L. W. Laurence wrote:"The student who has developed will-power can, without doubt, influence his fellow beings to do that which he wills them to do. It is this unseen element that often causes men and women to do things in business, social and domestic...
The permanent Act of Will
We've all heard or met individuals who stop negative habits (or start positive ones) from one day to the next with very little effort and/or side effects.Most likely you also had an uncle or a friend who woke up one day and just decided to quit his 20 years smoking...