I've written before about my end of the year ritual in here and here. It's a simple "ritual" where I analyze the year coming to an end, and establish the objectives for the new year. It gives me closure and prepares me for a new cycle. I highly recommend you to do...
Internal vs external magnetism
A student asked me about a very magnetic friend that had severe trauma in his past, gets depressed often and pretty much breaks every rule in the book about inner power. According to what we talk about magnetism, it shouldn't be possible... right? Yes, it can. Many...
Developing a positive mental attitude
Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "In a general way, mental attitudes may be divided into two classes, viz.: (1) positive and (2) negative. It is difficult, at first, to give the keynote of each of these two classes of mental attitude, but I...
Influencing in public speaking
Public speaking is a different kind of influence than your normal everyday life. In your normal everyday life you may need to influence a person or a small group of people that you are interacting with. Maybe it's for a project that you are involved in, maybe it's for...
The real power of the magnetic training
The real power of the magnetic training comes from the cumulative effect of the development of the several components. The Will is of course very powerful. But it becomes even more powerful when you combine with the energy development. The energy development is...
Having a strong centered desire
Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "There are mentative currents, arising from the strong centered desire of some person, who forming a strong mental image, by means of visualization, creates for himself a center of desire-force, which guided by...
Everybody has the same energy potential
The great painter Picasso said: "Everybody has the same energy potential. The average person wastes his in a dozen little ways. I bring mine to bear on only one thing: my paintings. And everything is sacrificed to it. You and everyone else, myself included." This is a...
Ego Problems
An issue that often plagues all of us when developing magnetism is our own ego. The ego problems that arise, may be mainly in two different ways: A surplus of ego and a shortage of it. The surplus of ego is when we say: "I'm already good at it", "I already know it",...
Your own personal atmosphere
Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "You will readily see, from what has been said, that the “Personal Atmospheres” of persons depend upon the character of their mental states, and are the result of the mental currents emanating from them. Every...
You become what you give your attention to
The Greek philosopher Epictetus said: "You become what you give your attention to". Nothing could be truer than this. It's true in different layers. In the most superficial layer, think about your normal everyday life. Where do you usually place your attention? What...