inner power

Working with our impulses

Not all the desires and impulses we experience are things to avoid or, even worse, repress. We might label our desires as "bad" or view our impulses as something to be avoided because society disapproves of them, or we consider them morally wrong. But yet, here they...

Evolving from animal life

We are the only beings in the world who can observe ourselves, reflect, and change our experience. Animals can't do that. They just react to their instincts based on past conditioning. There’s no self-observation — only reaction. As intelligent as some species may be,...

Being unpredictable

It's interesting how we all want to change—to be more magnetic, charismatic, and attractive—yet we still resist it. I get it. Change is scary; it's something new and unknown, and we have no idea how it’s going to turn out. So, we prefer the familiar and...

The habit and desire

Here's an interesting quote by Ernest Holmes: "What is a habit? A habit is the form that desire takes; it is a desire for something that will give satisfaction. At the root of all habit is one basic thing, the desire to express life. There is an urge to express in all...

All things are possible to the inner man

Here's an interesting quote by Neville Goddard: "You must learn to believe in the inner man and the reality of what is to you at the moment an invisible realm. This invisible world is not really unreal; it’s the most real world imaginable. And the inner man related to...

The greatest and most marvelous power

Here's an interesting quote by Charles Haanel: "The greatest and most marvelous power which this "I" has been given is the power to think, but few people know how to think constructively, or correctly, consequently they achieve only indifferent results. Most people...

Aggressiveness and integration

Regarding the last email about accepting yourself, a student asked me: "what if what I am is something society doesn't accept? For example, aggressive." That's a valid point. Naturally, we can't express everything without considering others and societal rules....

Accepting what you are

The first step in all magnetic and inner power work is to accept what you are. If you resist a part of you because you think it's bad and shouldn't be that way, you create more resistance, contraction, and blocks within yourself. This makes it even tougher to be...

The power of mental fascination

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "Ancient history is full of instances of the operation of Mental Fascination among the people of the early days. It is related that Julius Caesar, while quite a young man, fell in with pirates near the Isle of...

The role of your defense mechanisms

In our last email, we delved into the concept of knowing yourself, which essentially involves understanding your energy system. But what's the real value of this energetic knowledge? Why bother knowing and honing it? When you grasp how your energy moves within your...

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