tension energy

The development of tension energy

Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "A person in whom nerve-force is actively present, and who has consciously or unconsciously acquired the art of combining it with his thought-waves, will send forth words or thoughts fairly charged with dynamic...

Tension Energy Training

I've received an interesting question about tension energy: "Hello, I read about tension energy but I doubt that by increasing the tension of your muscles very very slowly build some type energy in you. Can you please provide an explanation?" It's important to clear a...

Importance of tension energy for sexual energy training

A question usually arises about the importance of tension energy to sexual energy work. The answer is straightforward. Tension energy development can be quite an advantage for healthy sexual energy. You can consider tension energy exercises like cleaning the pathways...

Breath and Tension Energy

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "Without wishing to lead you into the subtleties of Oriental psychology, with its complicated forms of breathing for psychic and spiritual development, etc., I must call your attention, at this point, to the...

Working with both energies at the same time

I'm often asked if you can work with sexual energy and tension energy at the same time. The answer is not so simple. You already have both energies running inside of you - as well as many more. They are in their natural habitat. Each time you use your Will you...

sexual energy and tension energy

We focus mostly on two types of energy here in Charisma School: Tension energy and sexual energy. There's a reason why we chose those two energies instead of the unlimited others we could have chosen. Those two energies are the foundational energies of personal...

The good kind of anxiety

Here's an interesting comment from a student of Vitality and Energy Training: "I notice that the Subtle Tension Energy almost feels like a good kind of anxiety, if that makes sense. It is definitely "nervous tension" like I used to feel when I was anxious, but since I...

Different events in the beginning of your energy training

When you start any kind of energy training you can go (although not necessarily) through several different events in the beginning: - Maybe you don't feel anything. There's a simply a blank. This arises because your awareness is not well developed. You need to dive...

If you can’t feel the energy, will it still affect you?

A few days ago we discussed why some people feel energy better than others, but a student sent an interesting follow up question: "If you can't feel the energy, will it still affect you?" This is a dangerous mistake to make. Just because you can't feel it, it doesn't...

Why some people feel energy better than others?

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Why do some people feel energy better than others?" Indeed some people are not as aware of energy as others. They feel very little - whether their own energy or external energy. Overall, we are between two extremes,...

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