
Avoidance of the real world

Avoidance of the real world is a significant training problem. Only sticking with the "home alone" practices and never bringing the awareness and changes into your everyday life won't bring you the desired results. Usually, this happens for two reasons: 1 - There's a...

Inside and outside training

In most Charisma School courses, you'll find different types of exercises. These are usually divided into "home alone" practices and "outside" or daily living practices. Why these two types? What's the point? Couldn't it be all one or the other? It could, but you gain...

Explore the exercises

Often, students engaging in the Charisma School exercises, whether in the free or the bigger courses, tend to approach them merely for the sake of completing them. It's as if the exercises themselves were something like magic rituals, believed to automatically bring...

Becoming a magnetic explorer

Magnetic training isn't a straightforward path. It's not just a matter of following exercises X and Y, and suddenly becoming magnetic. I wish it were that simple, but it's not. That would reduce it to a mechanical process, but humans are far from being simple robots....

The true insight

There are different layers of understanding or insight that you can have regarding your problems and issues. Most of the time, people refer to an intellectual understanding: "I know this was due to my father saying I'm a failure," or "I know this was because I was...

Becoming a super you

You may think that developing magnetism is a way to become some "super you," that you can dispose of all the bad parts of yourself and become someone different. But fortunately or unfortunately, that's not the case. Magnetism and energy work are not a way to escape...

The last day of 2023

The end of the year is always an exciting time. It's like closing off a cycle and beginning a new one. Although it's an artificial construction (unlike the Winter Solstice, which is a natural one), it still affects us due to the cultural baggage it brings. And that's...

The Charisma School Method

Unlike what may seem like, the goal is not to follow the "Charisma School Method." The goal is not to create a closed, registered method that is somehow a miracle cure for humankind. The most important aspect of what we aim to teach is that you become aware of what's...

The two major magnetism sticking points

There are two major sticking points in all magnetic training. The first are leaks, blocks, and overall defense mechanisms. This is what prevents your energy from flowing freely inside of you. For example, if your stomach tenses and contracts when interacting with a...

(New Video) How to correctly do Will Power exercises

The third video of the new Will Power free course is now available here: If you want the whole series of videos, check them here: This third video describes how exactly you should do the...

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