This is Video 11 on the “Develop Mental Toughness for World Class Achievements” ecourse. It's the last video of this course and I recorded it because it’s important to understand how all of this, that I’ve just explained you in the other videos, will fit together in...
mental toughness
Best Mind Relaxation Technique – Stress Relief (Video 10)
This is Video 10 on the “Develop Mental Toughness for World Class Achievements” ecourse. This is the last exercise of this course… an exercise for stress relief and relaxing your mind called centering. Centering is a method of ensuring that your energies, your mind...
Best Body Relaxation Technique (Video 9)
This is Video 9 on the “Develop Mental Toughness for World Class Achievements” ecourse. Now we are entering into the last part of the Mental Toughness framework: mind and body relaxation. On this video you'll learn the best body relaxation technique that you can do in...
Improve Mental Toughness- Getting Uncomfortable (Video 8)
This is Video 8 on the “Develop Mental Toughness for World Class Achievements” ecourse. This is the last video on the Mind Training Section and one of the hardest to accomplish. You'll understand why after you've seen it.
The Best Technique to Improve Concentration and Focus (Video 7)
This is Video 7 on the “Develop Mental Toughness for World Class Achievements” ecourse. Do you have trouble focusing on the task at hand? Does your mind wander a lot? How would you like to have a more intense power of concentration? One that will keep your mind...
Stop Negative Thinking With Mental Toughness (Video 6)
This is Video 6 on the “Develop Mental Toughness for World Class Achievements” ecourse. Stop negative Thinking with Mental Toughness It has been established by psychologists and neuroscientists that everyone carries on an ongoing dialog, or self-talk, of between 150...
The Power of Visualization in Mental Toughness (Video 5)
This is Video 5 on the “Develop Mental Toughness for World Class Achievements” ecourse. The Power of Visualization With this video we'll start with the techniques of the second part of the framework - the mind training. Many elite athletes and performers routinely use...
How to Build Self Esteem With Mental Toughness (Video 4)
This is Video 4 on the “Develop Mental Toughness for World Class Achievements” ecourse. Our beliefs about ourselves and what is possible in the world around us, greatly impact our day-to-day effectiveness. All of us have beliefs that serve as resources as well as...
Personal Goal Setting for Mental Toughness Training
This is Video 3 on the "Mental Toughness Training for World Class Achievements" ecourse Personal Goal Setting On this videos we'll talk being goal oriented and intention. Goal orientation and mental toughness provide you a combination that will make you reach bigger...
How to Get Motivated With Mental Toughness (Video 2)
This is Video 2 of the "Mental Toughness Training for World Class Achievements" ecourse, "How to Get Motivated". On this video we'll talk about the driving force or motivation behind your activities. It's very important to understand WHY you are doing it and the...