Explore the exercises

Often, students engaging in the Charisma School exercises, whether in the free or the bigger courses, tend to approach them merely for the sake of completing them. It’s as if the exercises themselves were something like magic rituals, believed to automatically bring about changes, or like brushing your teeth, where they could be done mindlessly yet still yield benefits.

However, reality paints a different picture.

As much as I’d like to portray these exercises as simple and effortless, like brushing your teeth, the truth is quite different.

If you do them mindlessly or merely out of “obligation”, the benefits will likely be minimal.

It’s necessary to explore what you are doing. For example, the seemingly straightforward exercise of the magnetic gaze — staring at a point on the wall — can lead to profound revelations when approached correctly.

What happens as you are doing it? How do your eyes respond? How is your energy moving internally? What about your thoughts? Are they drifting or can you be focused? If not, why? What happens? What sensations do you experience in your eyes during the exercise? Do you perceive any changes? Do you feel the energy projecting? Or is it contracting? What stands out in your energy? How is it being projected? What kind of energy is it? Where and how precisely in your eyes do you detect this?

The insights you can get over this simple exercise are endless. The same can be said about pretty much every other exercise.

However, these insights are only attainable when approached with full awareness and a mindset of curiosity and exploration.

Naturally, the more awareness you cultivate regarding different aspects of yourself, the more you’ll gain from these exercises.

If you think you don’t feel anything or feel very little, your awareness is not yet well-developed. Energy movements unfold continuously throughout your day, even when you perceive nothing happening.

That’s why we created the course Advanced Energy Science – to equip you with the vocabulary and sensitivity needed to feel and comprehend more about your true self.

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