Guard Your Thinking as Your Speech

The ancient occultist L. W. Laurence wrote:

“We must guard our thinking with the same circumspection we apply to speech, and could we realize this fact and think as discreetly as we choose our words, believing it to be equal importance, we would greatly simplify the task of thought control.

There would be fewer regrets and anxious moments in life.

A realization of what thought can accomplish will bend our energies toward learning how to employ this force in order to attain the results they were meant to accomplish when properly controlled.”

If we gave the same amount of reflection to our thoughts than we do to our words, inner power, personal magnetism would be so much easier to develop.

Most people think often about what they should say in different kinds of situations, but very rarely do anyone think about their own thoughts.

Are your thoughts conductive to what you want to achieve?

Is that what you want to be thinking?

Self depreciation thoughts like: “I’m no good”, “I’m not worthy”, among many others do an immense amount of harm physically, mentally and energetically.

Nothing lowers your vitality and stamina than this type of thinking.

And this is only the beginning.

There are so many self-defeating thoughts you can have that is no wonder that you haven’t achieved what you want to achieve.

That’s why you should give a lot of importance to what goes on in our minds. Just because no one hears you or sees you, it doesn’t mean there are no consequences regarding what you think.

To change your mental processes and inner power, start with the course:
>>> 10 Steps to Inner Power

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