public speaking

how to be more articulate

I've often receive questions about how to be more articulate and express yourself better.   This question is not about magnetism per se. Although how articulate you are is something that increases the perception of magnetism other people have of you.   Even if your...

Influencing in public speaking

Public speaking is a different kind of influence than your normal everyday life. In your normal everyday life you may need to influence a person or a small group of people that you are interacting with. Maybe it's for a project that you are involved in, maybe it's for...

Public Speaking and Charisma

Here's an interesting question from a reader:"Would you agree public speaking skills are necessary to have charisma?" I would say more of a nice bonus. Just because someone isn't trained in public speaking, doesn't mean this person is not charismatic or magnetic. What...

Principles of Magnetic Speech – NEW Video

A new Charisma School video has been released. On this video you can learn the principles of a magnetic speech, whether if you use it for public speaking, or for any kind of 1on1 interaction, the principles are the same!Watch it here:

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