Here's an interesting quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson: "There are moments in the lives of all of us when we catch glimpses of a life—our life—that is infinitely beyond the life we are now living. We realise that we are living below our possibilities. We long for the...
The scapegoat of society
In the last email, we discussed finding scapegoats for our feelings. When we want to be angry, we find someone who makes us angry. The series of events manifest themselves before us. But... interestingly, this also happens on a larger scale. In any community, if most...
Are you finding scapegoats?
Often, we find ways to feel what we truly want to be feeling. If we want to be angry, we'll find a scapegoat to be angry with. If we want to be sad, we'll soon find an event that makes us feel sad. And it's all "legitimate". After all, that person really did something...
The great rhythmic harmony
Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "All through Nature, and Nature’s manifestations, there exists rhythm and Harmony. Everything in the Universe is in unceasing action. There is a universal vibratory movement apparent everywhere. From the atoms,...
(New Video) Charisma, the path to freedom
The last video of the free course, "Awakening Magnetism and Charisma" has now been released! Finally, this sixth and last video will discuss the difference between magnetism and charisma and their ultimate purpose. You can watch it here on YouTube:...
How to improve your self-reliance
Self-reliance is essential, not just in magnetism and charisma, but also to thrive in life. This is nothing more than relying on your power and ability to do what you need to do. And the way to develop it is simple: doing what you said you were going to do, when you...
(New Video) What is preventing your magnetism
A new video of the free course "Awakening Magnetism and Charisma" has now been released! This fifth video will discuss what prevents your magnetism from fully manifesting itself! You can watch it here on YouTube: If you want...
The collective energy of a group
I remember the first time I attended a football match as a teenager. If you have ever been to one, you know how the energy of the crowd sucks you in. As a teenager, I was pretty impressed. Even before the game started, I was already chanting and jumping with the...
(New Video) The Mysterious Concept of Energy
A new video of the free course "Awakening Magnetism and Charisma" has now been released! In this fourth video, we will discuss energy. What is energy (simply and truly!)? Can you actually feel it? How? You can watch it here on YouTube:...
Your sword of Power
Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "Of all the mental faculties or powers, that of the Will is the closest to the “I” or Ego of the person. It is the Sword of Power clasped in the hand of the Ego. One may divorce himself in thought from the other...