Will Power

The man with the strongest Will always wins

Here's an important quote from William Walker Atkison: "The human Will is an actual living force. It is just as much an active force of Nature, as is Electricity, Magnetism, or any other form of natural force. Will is as real an Energy as is gravitation. From atom to...

Will and Charisma – Powers never lost!

There's an interesting book by Gene Landrum called "Profiles of Power and Success". In it, he studied the personal traits of some of the most powerful and successful people of all time. He says in his book: "The only true powers that seldom are lost and are never...

You are mentally lazy

Regarding the last post about the Will, William Walker Atkinson has an interesting perspective on it: "The late Donald G. Mitchell once wrote: "Resolve is what makes a man manifest; not puny resolve, but crude determination; not errant purpose - but that strong and...

Resolve is what makes a man manifest

Atkinson collected some nice quotes about the Will: Buxton said: “The longer I live, the more certain I am that the great difference between men, between the feeble and the powerful, the great and the insignificant, is Energy—Invincible Determination—a purpose once...

How to Strengthen your Willpower

Will Power is a subdivision of the whole Will concept. It's not the most important aspect of it, but it's an essential one. You sure need the fire and strength aspect it brings to the table. What you need to consider is that Will Power is only strengthened when you're...

People do not lack strength; they lack Will

The great writer Victor Hugo wrote: “People do not lack strength; they lack Will.” This is 100% true. Everyone has strength, but a true connection to the Will is hard to come by. You can easily get some "victorian will power" to resist your temptations - as we've...

New Video on Will Power

A new Charisma School video was just posted. "How to Correctly Use Your Will Power" On this video we address an important issue regarding Will Power. Will Power is not the same as repression, nor is repressing the only way to achieve what your objectives. There's...

I’m not in the mood

The composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote: “A self-respecting artist must not fold his hands on the pretext that he is not in the mood.” Whether you are an artist or not, it seems that our "moods" are a particular problem in our modern age. Procrastination is a...

“I’m not motivated to do it”

Very often I get an email which says something along the lines of: "I'm not motivated to do it" And it could be to do a certain exercise, or to do a certain task for a particular goal, and so on. The most important thing for you to understand is that you won't always...

Improve your Will Connection

Most people think about using their Will in small things that they don't want to do or they must do. On the last email you've seen how this is actually not enough to develop the "Will". Here's a tip on how you can improve this Will connection in a somewhat easy...

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