
Do you have it in you?

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "We wonder at the achievements of the great men in all walks of life, and we are apt to excuse ourselves by the sad remark that these people seem to “have it in them,” while we have not. Nonsense, we all have it...

The devil you know

You may wonder why it's so hard to change. Why so much resistance to this change process when you rationally know it will be for the best? You want to be magnetic, yet there is extreme resistance to it. So many defense mechanisms are stopping you from projecting your...

The Charisma School Method

Unlike what may seem like, the goal is not to follow the "Charisma School Method." The goal is not to create a closed, registered method that is somehow a miracle cure for humankind. The most important aspect of what we aim to teach is that you become aware of what's...

Having a strong personal atmosphere

Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson "The atmosphere of some persons is such that it causes us to let them alone, and to take no stock whatsoever in their business propositions. Others, instead, imbue us with confidence and trust, and give us the...

The two major magnetism sticking points

There are two major sticking points in all magnetic training. The first are leaks, blocks, and overall defense mechanisms. This is what prevents your energy from flowing freely inside of you. For example, if your stomach tenses and contracts when interacting with a...

(New Video) How the Will Influences Charisma

The last and sixth video of the new Will Power free course is now available here: If you want to see the whole series of videos, check them here: In this last video, you can...

The firm use of mental concentration

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "To the reader who has had no experience along the lines of Mental Concentration, it may seem like a very easy task to focus the mind upon a subject, and then hold it there firmly and fixedly. But a little...

Our true freedom

You may think that animals have all the freedom in the world; after all, they can roam around wherever they want and do whatever they want. But that's not 100% correct. Just think about it. All animals live conditioned by their instincts. They will do their best to...

(New Video) The Powerful Will State

The fifth video of the new Will Power free course is now available here: If you want to see the whole series of videos, check them here: In this fifth video, you'll be...

How are you building your mind

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "One can, by continually keeping the mind in certain channels, so train and develop the faculties that they will soon take up the new habit of thought and will, without effort, follow the new mental path that has...

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