inner power

Creating a Master Mind

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "But, you may say, what do you mean by "The Master Mind?" What is the difference between a Master Mind and any other form of Mind? Simply this, good readers, that the Master Mind is consciously, deliberately, and...

Deep inner work

What we attract to our lives is deeply unconscious. It goes much deeper than what looks at first glance. If you think about it, certain things repeatedly happen in your life. You may not know how and may not want them, but they happen. Even if you try to prevent them,...

Did you do your best?

Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "The man who lacks Enthusiasm is robbed of more than half his force of Personal Influence. No matter how good his arguments may be – no matter how meritorious his proposition may be – unless he possess the warm...

It’s not your fault. Or is it?

Avoiding responsibility for our actions, behaviors, and problems is quite common. It was not my fault if something didn't go according to my plans. It was someone else's fault, maybe the neighbor's or his dog's. We tend to find outside scapegoats for our own issues....

Introducing CharismaGPT

Charisma training is not a sexy training. It's not even modern or technologically advanced. In fact, it seems the more we evolve, the more we forget about these foundational principles. I wish I could tell you it is easy, intuitive, and straightforward. That you...

What is your mental attitude?

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "Every person is constantly surrounded with a thought‑aura which affects those with whom he comes in contact. Some people attract us without a word being spoken, while others repel us as soon as we come within...

Your psychological armor

Once you arrive at a certain point in adulthood, you may seem "boxed in." What I mean by this is that you become limited in your life, with few choices left as it seems you have everything predecided. It's like you are stuck in a psychological armor - created by you....

Adjusting your inner power

Many students still confuse inner power with apathy, coldness, or distancing from others. But that's not true inner power. You can have inner power and be as warm or distant from others as your personality or circumstances dictates. Just because you develop inner...

Why is thought so important

Here's an interesting quote by Henry Thomas Hamblin: "Why is right thought so important? It is important because it influences our actions. It is important because it builds up character and a steadfast mind. It is important because upon it our well-being and the...

I’m glad I wasn’t born with it

Some people naturally have magnetism. They had either an inborn talent and/or an upbringing that, for some reason, made them know magnetism naturally. For example, you find natural sexual magnetic individuals that have no problem eliciting and projecting sexual...

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