
Do you need Inner Power for Attraction?

Here's an interesting question from a reader: "Why do you need inner power for attraction? Can't you only train sexual energy?" Regardless of how we choose to think about it, the basic fact is that attraction is a type of influence. And all influence works under the...

Remotely Sending Sexual Energy

Here's an interesting question from a student:"Can you remotely send sexual energy to someone?" Yes, you can. I'm just not sure if it will bring the effects you desire. The mere fact of "sending sexual energy to someone" remotely, won't make them attracted to you. It...

What ancient Greece can teach us about Inner Power

It's interesting to notice the ancient Greek view of education. Their view was a lot different than ours. We try to cram our students with as much knowledge as they can take ignoring many other important values. The ancient Greeks were raising Men with powerful Wills,...

How to do the Charisma Exercises

The road to charisma, personal magnetism and inner power is always a marathon and rarely a one time sprint. Many students want to absorb it all in one go. Do a few hours of exercises per day for a couple of weeks thinking their internal charisma and energy will...

To Blink or not to Blink

A common question for those doing the Magnetic Gaze free course - or the Foundations - is how to keep your unblinking gaze for a longer time. Some students can only achieve 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute - instead of the recommended 3 to 5 minutes. First of all, you...

Do you believe in karma?

Recently a student asked me:"Do you believe in karma?" Much more than a personal opinion or a religious theory, I believe karma is a basic law of life. The mechanisms of how karma works are unknown - and we can only theorize -, but we know its effects. In other words,...

Why Make Your Life Harder?

James Allen, one of the most well known New Thought authors, said: "When mental energy is allowed to follow the line of least resistance and to fall into easy channels, it is called weakness." In a world where technology makes us lazy and everything keeps getting...

Develop Intense Focus mental energy

Here's an interesting question from a reader: "Will I be able to make my mind blank with this new concentration training?" It is impossible to make your mind a blank. There's always something there. Even the most advanced meditation masters, don't have a "blank mind"....

Foods That Increase Your Concentration

Here's an interesting question from a reader: "Are there any recommended foods that increase your concentration?" Certain dietary guidelines help in maintaining your focus. As you can imagine, you won't be able to concentrate after having eaten a big meal or after...

Edison’s Secret to Success

Sri Ramana Maharshi, who was an Indian sage, said: "An average man's mind is filled with countless thoughts, and therefore each individual one is extremely weak. When, instead of these many useless thoughts, there appears only one, it is a power in itself and has a...

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