mind control

To the best of your ability

Often I hear people say: "what's the use?", "who cares?" and so forth, as an excuse for not putting up their best work forward. You may have a million different reasons for not doing your best in your work. Or in your hobbies or in whatever you are involved. But, you...

Active vs Passive

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson "In order that the student may grasp the idea that I wish to convey regarding the use of suggestion as a means of exerting personal influence, I would have him understand that the mind has two general functions,...

Very few persons possess a good concentration

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "It is a fact known to all students of mental phenomena that very few persons possess more than a very small degree of concentration. They allow their mental forces to become scattered and dissipated in all...

the demand always brings the supply

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "Every man has within himself wonderful powers, lying dormant and unsuspected, which are merely awaiting the word of the master Will, impelled by a burning, eager, ardent desire, to spring at once into being,...

Your hidden affirmations

Whether we like it or not, we're constantly making affirmations. What you repeatedly say to yourself is an affirmation. It's as simple as that. If you repeatedly say you are not good enough, then this is your affirmation. If you repeatedly say you are not good at X,...

Habit is a powerful force

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "Habit is a force which is generally recognized by the average thinking person, but which is commonly viewed in its adverse aspect to the exclusion of its favorable phase. It has been well said that all men are...

Boredom in concentration training

A common mistake in concentration practices is being bored or frustrated. This happens usually after a few weeks of practice, since in the beginning the motivation is still high. But as time goes by, boredom or frustration kicks in. And that's normal. It's not an easy...

You become what you give your attention to

The Greek philosopher Epictetus said: "You become what you give your attention to". Nothing could be truer than this. It's true in different layers. In the most superficial layer, think about your normal everyday life. Where do you usually place your attention? What...

Technology rules of thumb

Most likely you've read on this newsletter the issues with new technologies like netflix, cell phones (notifications), social media overall and so on. But the problem is not with them. The problem is not netflix... is in you GIVING IN to netflix. Yes, the technology...

Having one intense focus

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "Attention is not a faculty of the mind in the same sense as perception, abstraction, judgment, etc., but is rather in the nature of an act of will concerned in the focusing of the consciousness upon some object...

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