
A strong Will must stand

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "To choose intelligently, one must needs exercise the intellect. One must think. But thinking is not such an easy matter as it might seem at first consideration. People, as a rule, do not like to think in...

A willful decision

When you want to do something, the easiest path is to make a willful decision. "I want to do X" - "I do X." It could be eating less, working out more, dedicating yourself to whatever project or training, etc. It can be as simple as: "I make my bed every morning."...

Keep the Will in motion

When you stop applying your Will in your daily life, it's easy to let go completely. And then what happens is that you start doing things you know you shouldn't. Suddenly you start to follow whatever impulses you may be having. It could be overeating - and you begin...

The source and origin of all power

Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "Of all the varied manifestations of Power proceeding from that POWER which the best human thought perceives to be the source and origin of all the Power in the Universe, that manifestation which we know as...

Live accordingly to your Will

In the previous email, we talked about how no one can force you to do something, and you are responsible for your actions. Now I want to ensure you understand that this is a profound concept with many implications for your life. This means you and you alone are...

Do you feel like doing it?

I have received this question from a reader: "How do you deal with not feeling like doing something you should be doing?" This is a common issue these days. You know you should be doing something - even for your own improvement and goals - but somehow you don't feel...

Understanding the Universal Will

Last week I posted an exciting text by William Walker Atkinson that I highly recommend you read if you haven't already. Today I wanted to talk about a specific part of it. Atkinson says: "The Law will open the door to you but will not push you in." And "The man who...

Understanding the Magnetic Duel

Last week we talked about a magnetic duel that happens when two persons meet. "Whenever two persons meet in business, or in any other relation in life, up to lovemaking, there is this will-fight going on, commonly enough without any consciousness of the struggle....

Using the Act of Will

In his memoirs, Carl Jung recollects how in his childhood years, he started having fainting fits. This was because another kid knocked him unconscious once, and then he gradually developed fainting as an unconscious defense mechanism. The fainting fits started to...

The power of Words

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "Affirmation consists of the act or process of expressing in verbal form—in words—the statement of the thought or idea of that which you desire to materialize in objective reality. Words are crystallized thought....

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