
We find only what we are

Here's an interesting quote by Neville Goddard: "By assuming the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of your objective, the subconscious is moved to build the exact likeness of your assumption. Your desires are not subconsciously accepted until...

That is not me

It's easy to fool yourself during any magnetic training. You may think that you are changing because you are doing the exercises. But it's essential to be clear that the exercises don't change you. Only you have that ability. The exercises will bring you awareness to...

Everything leaves a mark in your energy

All your experiences, your behaviors, and your thoughts leave a mark on your energy. And your energy is projected to the world where other people can feel it and react accordingly. We may think that thought exists in isolation inside our mind and nowhere else, but...

Becoming a Will Master

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "Here, in a nutshell, is the distinction between the Will Slave and the Will Master: The average person is moved to Will activity by the forces of Feeling, Affection and Desire—the strongest Desire-motive always...

It’s not about more information

I've always loved this quote by the entrepreneur Derek Sivers: “If more information was the answer, then we'd all be billionaires with perfect abs.” In the same guideline, I'm sure you can think of plenty of doctors who are overweight smokers. Even though they know...

Failure is necessary

When you are training sexual magnetism, it's not like you can do the exercises, then get out there and succeed immediately. You're going to fail. That's inevitable. But most people don't expect it. They hope to succeed straight away, which never happens. You need...

Do you have spirit?

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "A recent writer on the “Taming of Animals” expresses instinctive realization of Spiritedness among some of the higher animals as follows:”Put two male baboons in the same cage, and they will open their mouths,...

You are not in control

In our last email, we spoke about how everything is connected. How your mind, energy and body are all interconnected, influencing everything. This is not just a fun theory with no practical application. Sometimes your thoughts don't give you many clues, but once you...

Everything is connected

Inside of you, everything is connected. It's not like you have a brain that thinks, an energy doing its own thing, and a body also working separately. No. Everything is influencing everything. Your thoughts are not separated from your energy or vice-versa. What you...

What’s the difference? Thought!

Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "That which we call Personal Magnetism is the subtle current of thought-waves, or thought-vibrations, projected from the human mind. Every thought created by our minds is a force of greater or lesser intensity,...

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