
A block is not only an obstacle

Once you begin exploring your body and energy, you're bound to discover blocks – places inside of you where the energy isn't flowing as it should, like a roadblock on a highway. Let's paint a scenario: imagine you're in a business meeting, and suddenly you feel your...

Needs and fears affecting your magnetism

Last week we discussed the main problem of being driven by your impulses and needs. We concluded that the real issue is you're not truly free to choose your path and make decisions in life. You lack freedom because you're constantly overpowered by your animal...

The very essence of rest

Here's an interesting quote by Thomas Troward: "We must not suppose that because we have to be on our guard against idle drifting there is to be no such thing as repose. On the contrary it is during periods of repose that we accumulate strength for action; but repose...

Having needs and fears

In the previous email, we discussed how becoming aware of what you are inside - your energy, your impulses, desires, and needs - can help you clear obstacles and see your path more clearly. Now, let's ask a crucial question: what's wrong with having needs, fears, and...

Your self-deceptive tendencies

Your energy can uncover many valuable insights — if only you truly listen and avoid dismissing it. What you want to do in life is usually filled with many delusions and self-deceptive tendencies. I certainly have them as well and wasn't immune to them (and I'm still...

This is the Law

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "The man who understands the workings of the Law, acts upon the tender impulses imparted to him, without resistance. He does not ask to see the end of the journey, but he sees the step just ahead of him very...

You don’t “think” attraction

As you delve into the realms of energy and magnetism, one thing becomes abundantly clear: People follow their body and energy over intellectual analysis. As much as we wish to be very rational and independent thinkers, as human beings, we remain deeply connected to...

The gentle whisper of your purpose

Last week, I shared a quote by William Walker Atkinson that highlighted the belief in a Universal Will—a higher power gently guiding you towards fulfillment, destiny, and your purpose here. An essential aspect is encapsulated in this statement: "The Law will open the...

You won’t be pushed in

Here's an interesting quote by William Walker Atkinson: "Many of the men and women who have been seeking Prosperity by means of the powers of the mind, have done so by “holding the thought,” and then folding their hands and calmly waiting for some “lucky” event to...

Clearing ALL the blocks in your body

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Do you need to clear all the blocks in your energy body?" The short answer is: No. But let's delve deeper. If I see a lion running towards me, you can be sure that I will have plenty of energetic blocks, tensions, and...

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