
The eye as a influencing mechanism

Here's William Walker Atkinson describing the power of the gaze: "The eye is one of the most potent means of influencing others. It not only serves to hold the attention of the person to whom you are talking, thereby rendering it easier to impress your suggestions...

The defense mechanisms of your body and energy

I'm sure you've read about the concept of defense mechanisms. Defense mechanisms is a psychoanalytical concept which defines an unconscious psychological mechanism that reduces anxiety arising from unacceptable or potentially harmful stimuli. This is the Wikipedia...

How do you feel your anxiety?

We all feel anxiety and nervousness. There's not a single person that never feels anxiety in some shape or form. All those who are magnetic also feel it. Anxiety is not a problem of un-magnetic people. If you ask whatever person you encounter about anxiety they will...

New Training: The Unblocking Process

A new Charisma School training is now available: The Unblocking Process This training removes the internal bodily and energetic blocks that are preventing your energy to flow as it should and access your natural state of power. The goal is to dissolve the ingrained...

Stupid triggers messing with your magnetism

A student wrote me: "I have too many stupid triggers messing with my magnetism." Yes you have. But you're not alone. You, me and pretty much everyone else. Most triggers are indeed "stupid" because you logically know how ridiculous they are. You know that you...

“Thoughts are Things”

Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "That great writer on the power of the mind - Prentice Mulford, has summed up much of his philosophy in the statement: "Thoughts are Things". In these words he gave expression to a mighty truth, which, if fully...

About rejection – my story

This is a hard topic to deal with. No one likes being rejected. I'm sure you would prefer to avoid it like the plague. After all, it's a big blow to your ego. Someone tells you that she (or he) doesn't want to be with you. That simply hurts. No way around it. Yet......

Dealing with anxiety and blocks

I've seen many students plagued with negative feelings inside. Negativity can be a general term; it comes in many shapes and forms. It can be rage, it can envy, it can be nervousness or anxiety, it can be fear, and many others. All of them will create certain feelings...

Introversion vs Personal Magnetism?

Here's an interesting question from a student: "I’m a little confused. You say you don’t have to be an extrovert to develop personal magnetism but at the same time we have to get out there and go beyond our comfort zone to develop it. Can you elaborate?" Regardless of...

New Video: The Evil Eye and the Magnetic Gaze

The Evil Eye is a curious phenomenon that is present in most cultures around the world. You probably know it as some sort of bad luck projected by someone through their eyes. Usually related to envy. Because it can have certain similarities to the Magnetic Gaze, Ive...

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