
Are you a rational person?

I'm sure you like to think of yourself as a rational individual. Someone who thinks about situations and considers whatever decisions you need to take carefully. The truth is, you may think you are a rational being but you are not. Your decisions are based on...

Everything you need to know about the Will State

A couple of days ago I posted the first two parts of the Will and Willpower article. If you haven't read them, start there. Now the final part of the article is published. You can read it here: >>> Will State This final part of the article is all about the...

Important Willpower Distinctions

Willpower and Will is still a somewhat confusing topic. There's plenty of misinformation in our society regarding it so it's important to be very clear about what is in reality willpower and will. For that I wrote a long read article about the Will. You can read the...

Sending forth your energy

Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson "Thought-waves carry the vibrations of the mind sending them forth to great distances, or lesser ones, tending to set up similar vibrations in the minds of other persons within their field of force. Thus a...

Are you really accepting the attraction?

A while back I wrote about why you should accept the attraction from others, even if you are not planning to act on it. In other words, accept the sexual energy others are projecting to you, even if you don't have any sexual intentions toward them. It's about learning...

Are you feeling it?

I'm sure that you have read about energetic concepts on your social media feeds or websites. You can often read about yin and yang, chakras, different energetic bodies and so on. The problem is that most new age people who share/write these articles have no direct...

How to Strengthen your Willpower

Will Power is a subdivision of the whole Will concept. It's not the most important aspect of it, but it's an essential one. You sure need the fire and strength aspect it brings to the table. What you need to consider is that Will Power is only strengthened when you're...

Making your body resilient to harmful substances

Last week we spoken about how your body APPARENTLY becomes more sensitive to harmful substances (like alcohol, drugs or smoking) when you begin an energy training. Based on that, a student asked an interesting question: "Can you make your body more resilient to...

Personal Magnetism Assessment

During the past year we've been testing our new Personal Magnetism Assessment and it's now finally ready for you to use. It's a free tool where you answer a few quick questions and it gives you a total score for your personal magnetism as well as an individual score...

What can I say to her to break the ice?

Here's an interesting question from a student: "There’s a girl I see from time to time that I think is cute. She notices me too I can tell. We've never spoken to each other, only made eye contact. What can I say to her to break the ice? She doesn't know me." This is a...

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