
The connection to your higher self

On the previous post we discussed the training of the Will inside of you as a percursor to influence and projection. In fact, there's a bigger picture here. The Will is much more than a few exercises you need to do so that you can accomplish some interesting things in...

All the cool stuff relies on one thing

Projection, manifestation into physical reality, and many other interesting techniques and methods are dependent upon one very important key: Your Will. Pretty much all the "cool stuff" relies heavily on your Will and your intention. Your Will is what is going to give...

Is fear running your life?

Here's an interesting citation from William Walker Atkinson: "The great negative note in the lives of most people is Fear. Fear is the mother of all the negative emotions, and her brood is found clustering very closely around her. Worry, Lack of Confidence,...

Can you actually do it? Are you really convinced?

On the last email I've written about addictions and how the Will needs to be in control whenever you want, stopping everything without a hassle. If you haven't read it, read it here. But it's very easy to fool yourself on this situation. It's very easy to say to...

Addictions and inner power

I've often received questions similar to this one: "Do I still have Inner Power if I'm addicted to something?" This something may be eating, drinking, sex, drugs, etc. Indeed the main problem - regarding the Will and inner power - is not that you are consuming/doing...

Your two natures

Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "Everyone has two natures. One wants us to advance and the other wants to pull us back. The one that we cultivate and concentrate on decides what we are at the end. Both natures are trying to gain control. The...

Simple concentration guideline

Concentration has a simple guideline: you can easily concentrate on anything you are intensely interested in. And when you can concentrate on something, then time flies much easily and you end up doing that task a lot better, achieving better results in what you do....

The transmission of the magnetic tradition

I've always felt really good about being a part of the transmission of this magnetic tradition. It was very exciting for me when I was accepted as a student. I remember being at an airport on my way to my initial lesson when I saw a nice looking leather bound notebook...

The man with the strongest Will always wins

Here's an important quote from William Walker Atkison: "The human Will is an actual living force. It is just as much an active force of Nature, as is Electricity, Magnetism, or any other form of natural force. Will is as real an Energy as is gravitation. From atom to...

How do you attract someone without showing your intention?

Here's an interesting question from a student: "How do you attract someone without showing your intention?" This fairly common. It happens when you have someone around you who you want to attract but you want to be safe and not show your true intentions - at least...

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