
methods for increasing your energy awareness

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Does your energy awareness increase as you consciously practice in the real world or do you need to do "alone practices" constantly?" This is actually a "Yes" for both. You see, your energy awareness increases as you...

I can and I will

William Walker Atkinson wrote: "The man who regards himself as a creature built on a certain mental plan, and incapable of any material change beyond an improvement of the faculties already being expressed, sees but a small portion of the truth regarding himself and...

Are you stagnated?

We are all guilty of staying within our comfort zones. Yet, some people are more guilty than others and constantly live in their comfort zone on all areas of their lives. Nothing new, no new challenges, no new undertakings. Even despite not really enjoying what they...

The role of sexuality in your life

In your mind, sexuality works like money: when you have plenty of it, you don't think that much about it. But when you are lacking it, you think it will be THE thing that changes everything and give you everlasting happiness. It's like this thing is the beginning and...

Being energetically compatible

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Can you be more energetically compatible with someone?" Yes, you can. It's not any groundbreaking new insight that you get along with some people more than others. This can happen on any level, personal, professional and...

Problems on dates?

In different situations your energy behaves differently. It may change qualities, you may have different blocks, it may be stronger or weaker. Your energy will be completely different when you are at home alone relaxed watching a movie, or when you are in a bar with...

Is sexual desire good to have?

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Is sexual desire good to have?" It depends... I'll elaborate. First, sexual feelings in themselves are fully natural and we all have them one way or another or in different levels. They are always there regardless of how...

How important is social status for sexual attraction?

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Is your social status important for sexual attraction?" Social status is the same as most of the other external means of attraction just like good looks, being rich, have a great body and so on. It's all good and it...

The devastated guy at an airport!

Last week at an airport I was having some trouble understanding one of the notices they were saying on the speaker of the boarding gates. Fortunately I had a young man beside me - who I haven't met before -, but he was kind enough to translate what they were saying...

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