
Handling what arises

Sometimes we are so blocked inside that we can barely feel anything. Of course, we know we don't feel good - we may even realise we are blocked - but it has become a normal state of affairs. As in: "that's just the way I am". Hence, the relationships aren't as...

Fundamental unblocking

Unblocking is a fundamental aspect of all magnetic training. Blocks are what keep your magnetism from being projected. You can't project if you are contracting internally somehow. Think about it... magnetism is an externalization of your energy. If you need a mental...

You want the experience without the pain?

Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "Some people are not happy unless they have some old faded sorrow hugged up close to their bosoms, and they feel guilty if they happen to smile and forget the old thing for even a moment. Oh, how they do gloat...

Repressing issues

We tend to hide or repress many of the issues we have about ourselves.   Maybe it's about your looks, maybe it's about your beliefs, or desires.   Overall, it's all about an energetic impulse that you feel which makes you behave in a certain way. And if you don't like...

The masks you use that hinder you

You have different masks that you put on in different social contexts. You are one person in your job, another with your friends, another with your wife/girlfriend, another with your family. And that's normal. There are unspoken social rules in play which regulate...

Do you need to believe in it for it to work?

Here's an interesting question from a student: "How important is your belief in these techniques? Do you need to believe in them for them to work?" All the magnetic techniques are based on your own energy and Will. In other words, your energy must be flowing...

Influencing with a negative energy quality

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Can you actually influence if your energy quality is negative?" In other words, can you influence anyone or have a strong magnetism when your energy has a negative quality like anger, shame, depressive, etc? For sure...

The dual nature of magnetism

Here's a very interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "It is difficult even to correctly define the term "personal magnetism", so little are its principles understood by the masses of people. The dictionaries give us but little help in the matter, so vague are...

How to release fear and limitations

Here's an interesting question from a student: "What do you think are some of the most powerful and efficient ways to release any fears and limitations or unblock our highest potential?" Any technique which will unblock the body, mind and energy together will be good....

Important lesson – Positive overcoming the Negative

Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkison regarding the influencing power of magnetism: "At this point we wish to utter a solemn warning to those who have been, or are tempted, to employ this mighty force for unworthy purposes. The laws of the mental...

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