
Discover Your Life Purpose Part 2

Yesterday we discussed about finding our purpose in life and how inner power can be an important part of this process. Now I just want to add another important piece: you can control your mind on the inside, but it also needs to be controlled on the outside through...

Discover Your Life Purpose Part 1

One of the Charisma School students sent me the following question:"can charisma help me discover my purpose of life?" Let's think about this together. What exactly means to find your "purpose in life"? Depending on who you ask, you'll get different answers. But...

True growth and abundance

This week we have been discussing about inner reality and how you need to change the inner reality if you want to see long lasting changes in the outer reality. I've received some emails saying somethings along the lines of: "I haven't done any work on myself and I...

Sabotaging mind

Yesterday we discussed about how our mind sabotages us in order to remain in an external state that reflects the inner reality, hence, not growing or achieving what we would like.Let's discuss a bit deeper about this inner reality. We live in an inner reality filled...

You don’t attract what you want, but what you are

James Allen, the author of the classic work "As a Man Thinketh", wrote:"Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are” This sentence is more accurate than ever. With all the latest trends of "The Secret" everyone keeps thinking that they can attract...

Magnetic Gaze Full Power Video

A new Charisma School video has been released. We go deeper into the Magnetic Gaze and explain its different uses and developments.Hint: it goes much further than just developing an attractive gaze! Watch it here:

Do you have a strong energy with others?

In all interactions, there's always someone with a stronger energy and another with a weaker energy. The stronger energy isn't necessarily the one who talks louder and with larger movements.He can be quiet, yet you know he has the stronger energy. Think about a CEO...

Fabricio and Concentration Power

If there was one thing I learned with Fabricio was the importance of Concentration, Attention, Focus.He seemed to have an uncanny ability to focus in whatever he was doing. When we was talking with someone, with some specific goal in mind - let's say to teach them...

New Video: Elements of Mind Control

A new Charisma School video has been released. This time we discuss the topic of Mind Control. Not how to control the mind of others... but instead, a more important topic, how to control your own mind.Watch it here:

How to Challenge Yourself

One of the biggest concepts we defend at Charisma School is the importance of challenging yourself. What does this mean? In order to grow, we can't constantly be in our comfort zone. Otherwise our brain never expands. We need to get out of it as often as possible, and...

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