
Mood Control

Many people struggle with issues like procrastination, "not feeling like it", and other kind of mood issues as if their performance in their work or studies needs to be related to some sort of specific feeling you need to have.There's no secret regarding this. Get...

How to get a powerful feeling

Yesterday we talked about the active state and how it's a big key in getting things done. For those with an already naturally passive mind, it's definitely an effort to get into active state most of the time - but it's a big one that pays off big dividends in the...

I feel like a zombie

One time I was with Fabricio and we were getting something to eat. A waiter started to talk with us and he was talking about some issues he was having in his life. After all these years, I don't remember exactly what those issues were. I just remember a brief exchange...

The Power of Attention

I find it very disturbing that the training of concentration and attention has been put aside on modern science and psychology.There's hardly any kind of recommended training for it. Especially for those who have some kind of Attention Deficit Disorder, the only way...

this is the power of the energy

Yesterday I promised you that I'll tell you an actual story of my Magnetic Gaze training with Fabricio.So we start: We were visiting a beach neither of us have ever been to. It wasn't any kind of "formal" training, we were just relaxing and talking randomly, having a...

Such is a life with Personal Magnetism

Studying the Magnetic Gaze and Personal Magnetism with Fabricio has been one of the greatest gifts of my life.Transforming a shy young boy who was always lost inside his mind and his books, to a charismatic adult with the ability to attract, influence and to speak to...

Sexual Energy and Chakras

Here's an interesting question regarding the energy work in Sexual Magnetism."Great work, I was searching for this kind of material and found it. Earlier I had a natural inclination for such energy and projection but after some event, I simply lost it. I am doing you...

How to Project your energy through your speech

A reader of this newsletter emailed an interesting question:"How would I be able to project my prana through speech? Is there any specific place I have to focus my energy?" As with all kind of projection work, to project it, you first already need to have developed to...

The Amazing Experiences of the Magnetic Gaze

When I started training the Magnetic Gaze for the first time, everything seemed so weird and out of this world.All the talk and exercises aimed to develop some kind of mysterious energy inside my body and eyes was just plain weird. I remember thinking: "this is not...

New Sexual Energy Video

A new Charisma School video has been released. Due to some lack of information on the topic of Sexual Energy and Sexual Magnetism, we've decided to clarify it so that we're all on the same page regarding what is Sexual Energy and how to deal with it. Watch it here:

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