
Advanced Energy Science is now available!

I am happy to announce the release of a new Charisma School training: Advanced Energy Science - The Energy Laws This course aims to discover the laws that govern the energy inside your body. This is the equivalent of learning the inside mechanics of a car and the...

Advanced Energy Science

Energy awareness goes much deeper than what it looks at first glance. Everyone thinks they feel the energy and energy flow because they have been to some yoga class or chakra meditation or something like that. But very often, what they feel is a superficial, outward...

Everything leaves a mark in your energy

All your experiences, your behaviors, and your thoughts leave a mark on your energy. And your energy is projected to the world where other people can feel it and react accordingly. We may think that thought exists in isolation inside our mind and nowhere else, but...

You are not in control

In our last email, we spoke about how everything is connected. How your mind, energy and body are all interconnected, influencing everything. This is not just a fun theory with no practical application. Sometimes your thoughts don't give you many clues, but once you...

Everything is connected

Inside of you, everything is connected. It's not like you have a brain that thinks, an energy doing its own thing, and a body also working separately. No. Everything is influencing everything. Your thoughts are not separated from your energy or vice-versa. What you...

The easiest thing to do

Lao Tzu, in its classical treaty Dao De Jing (or Tao Te Ching), wrote: “Do that which consists in taking no action and order will prevail." This is precisely the way we should behave about our energy. We must be able to let energy flow as it should. That's the most...

Sensation precedes manifestation

Here's an interesting quote by Neville Goddard: "The mechanism of creation is hidden in the very depth of the subconscious, the female aspect or womb of creation. The subconscious transcends reason and is independent of induction. It contemplates a feeling as a fact...

Fundamental unblocking

Unblocking is a fundamental aspect of all magnetic training. Blocks are what keep your magnetism from being projected. You can't project if you are contracting internally somehow. Think about it... magnetism is an externalization of your energy. If you need a mental...

You are expressing your dominant energy

Here's an interesting quote by Neville Goddard: "Every feeling makes a subconscious impression and unless it is counteracted by a more powerful feeling of an opposite nature must be expressed. The dominant of two feelings is the one expressed. I am healthy is a...

You can become a victim

Neville Goddard said: "If you know who you are and how imagination operates, you will learn to control your imaginal activities. If you do not, they will be controlled for you by another, and you will become their victim." Although he uses the terminology related to...

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