
3 dangers of energy training

Today I wanted to bring your attention to three dangers that everyone doing Charisma School energy trainings may come across 1) The first is taking shortcuts in the training. It's very easy to cut corners. You know that a certain skill or exercise is not yet well...

your magnetic process is different

Each student who takes a Charisma School training - regardless of the training - will have a different experience. There aren't no two students alike. That's because you have your own individuality and background that make you approach it in different ways than...

Is increasing the energy always the solution?

Often, the first concern of students is to increase their own energy. Whether sexual energy, or tension energy, the main goal is to increase it. "Let's have more energy, so that my magnetism can get stronger." - it's the common thought and logic. And it's true that...

The deeper layers of the exercises

On all the exercises and trainings we offer in Charisma School there's never only one layer of it. There are always several layers of understanding and awareness that you need to grasp. So the first time you do a training, it's very unlikely that you'll get everything...

Staying in your magnetic couch

You can only evolve in your magnetism by stepping out of your comfort zone. There's no way around that.   That's the harder point for most students to grasp.   While you are comfortably sitting in your couch you won't evolve much in your magnetism.   You can easily...

The Art of Keeping a Journal

Keeping a journal has been a foundational stone of my path. I've been using it since the beginning of my training - due to an advice of my teacher - and I haven't gave up since. I still write on a journal on a daily basis. Not just on my own training - although that's...

Practice, reflect and learn!

When training magnetism and energy, there's a heavy component of actual exercises and much less on the theory aspect. Exercises are always the FIRST component you must give your attention to. Particularly the way we do it in Charisma imagine that you are feeling...

It’s not natural to me

When you are training magnetism, Will, inner power, energy, some discomfort will always be part of it. Effort is required. And you'll always feel something as "not natural". At least in the beginning. This is a normal feeling to have... if you think about it, if any...

It’s not about the technique, it’s about being!

The harder part for most people to understand about magnetism is that this is a change of their core self. That's what you are doing in all Charisma School trainings. It's not about learning strategies to do something... is to internally change to become a magnetic...

The right way of doing magnetism exercises

If you have enrolled on any Charisma School training you have seen - and hopefully done - many exercises and techniques.   Maybe you were even overwhelmed.   This makes it easy to get a wrong idea about magnetism.   Although you may have all these exercises and...

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