
Can You Harm Others With Sexual Energy?

Using sexual energy is not bad or good. It's an energy. Just like a knife, for example. It can be used to cut a rope that stands in the way of freedom or to harm someone. Or to simply cut a steak. It can be a useful tool in your day to day life. But the knife itself...

Repression and Sexual Energy

An interesting principle to understand is that the more comfortable you are with sex, the easier it is to attract it into life. You gain a sort of energetic openness to it. It becomes normal and a part of your "portfolio of energies" to use. If you are comfortable...

How to fix your social anxiety

Here's an interesting question from a reader: "How can I fix my social anxiety?" I wish I could give you a straight and easy answer to this. But there isn't any straightforward answer. Especially since there can be many reasons for your anxiety. Let's understand...

Are You a Player?

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Is a sexual magnetic man automatically a player?" Short answer: No! Being a sexually magnetic man or a woman, won't automatically make you a player. But let's first define it so we can all on the same page: The...

Approach Anxiety and Sexual Magnetism

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Does a sexual man have approach anxiety?" Depends on how you FEEL (and what you consider) approach anxiety. It's perfectly normal to have the "butterflies in your stomach feeling" when approaching some stranger you find...

Becoming Sexually Magnetic

Here's an interesting question from a student: "While undergoing training of being a sexual man, do you gradually become sexually magnetic or do you suddenly become magnetic sexually?" It's actually both. Although it seems paradoxical, it's not. As you are training to...

About Being Sexual

Here's an interesting question from a reader: "How do you attract someone when you are in an environment where you can't be sexual, like work?" There's a heavy misunderstanding on this question. You're thinking that being sexual - in the way that we teach - is an...

Personal Magnetism without a net

One of the biggest mistakes students make when practicing magnetic techniques is focusing only on "alone" type of exercises while ignoring or forgetting the practice on the day to day life. Alone exercises are easy in the sense that you don't need to change much of...

But That’s Not Me

It's important to understand that when you undergo a sexual energy training - or for personal magnetism for that matter - you don't remain the same. Don't think that you'll do a sexual energy training and remain the same. Only if you - consciously or unconsciously -...

The more you have, the more you’ll get

In a sense, sex is like money. The more you have, the easier it is to get more. In other words, the rich get richer. It's not just a common saying. It really happens. Both in wealth and in sex. And it's not just because they have more money to invest. But it's because...

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