
Should you give in to your sexual desires?

On the previous email I wrote about how repression of your sexual energy can be as dangerous as a wild bull in a fine porcelain shop. The road is not repression or avoidance of your sexual energy. Instead it's about acceptance. But it's important to get something...

Sexual holy scandals

I'm sure you watch and read the news and often see priests, rabbis, meditators, monks, spiritual teachers involved in sexual scandals. This is not exclusive to any one religion or one tradition. It's everywhere. It's only a matter of who can hide it better. Sexual...

The third crucial training step

I've written before how you should conduct your magnetism training. The first step is showing up. It's actually doing what you are supposed to do. If you don't show up for the training, then everything else just crumbles. That's crucial, yet not enough. The second...

Will you get results just by showing up?

Here's an interesting question from a reader: "If I do the exercises exactly as scheduled, will I get results?" It's inevitable that some results will happen when you follow along any Charisma School training. But there's an important caveat that you need to remember....

Why don’t you have more sexual magnetism?

Many readers and students question me why they don't have more sexual magnetism if they have a large sexual desire and many sexual thoughts. This is indeed a common question and one of the main issues with the development of sexual magnetism. First, you'll need to...

Are you an introvert? Which kind?

I've realized that many students classify themselves as introverts. Maybe it's your case. And I've told you before that introversion in itself is not a problem. You can be an introvert and still be magnetic. No problem with that. An introvert overall is someone who...

“True” Energy Vs Blocks and desires

Here's an interesting question from a student regarding my last post. Make sure you read it before reading this one: "I always wanted to find my purpose in life and what to do, but how do you differentiate what your energy is telling you from your desires?" That's an...

Are you following your purpose in life?

The knowledge, awareness and practice of energy exercises can be much more than "simply" becoming magnetic, or feeling the energy of others or the location you are in. Your energy gives you clues of your purpose and path in life, for the right and wrong decisions......

Are you affected by negative events?

Here's an interesting question from a student: "My question is, the more problems we have or our inability to cope with situations in life, does that mean the less mental power we have?" We all experience negative events. Unfortunately that's part of life and it's...

You are mentally lazy

Regarding the last post about the Will, William Walker Atkinson has an interesting perspective on it: "The late Donald G. Mitchell once wrote: "Resolve is what makes a man manifest; not puny resolve, but crude determination; not errant purpose - but that strong and...

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