
The everyday exchange of energy

On every interaction you have during your day there's an exchange of energy. Normal people think it's about the content of the conversation. What you talk about and so on. But this is only a very small part of it. It's this exchange of energy that's important, not the...

Creating effects in the minds of others

Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "There are mentative currents, arising from the strong centered desire of some person, who forming a strong mental image, by means of visualization, creates for himself a center of desire force, which guided by...

Magnetism is an unfair advantage in life

Magnetism gives you an unfair advantage in life. This is quite easy fact to prove. I'm sure you've all been in situations where someone else - just because he was more magnetic and charismatic - got away with something that shouldn't have. Or achieved something, while...

The importance of the magnetic voice

Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "Well, the voice is a mighty indicator of the Mental State within. Excepting the Eye, no outward form of expression of character responds so quickly and fully to the inner Mental State than the voice. The voice...

Which magnetism is the best one?

Following the last post where I mentioned the different types of charisma and magnetism, a common question is: "Which magnetism is the best one? Or which one should I develop?" I can't answer this question for you as there's no right answer. Or putting it different...

Do you need to be empathic?

Here's an interesting question from a student? "Do you need to be empathic to be magnetic or charismatic?" This is a common question and a common trait you see on several different "charismatic lists" on online articles. Everyone tells you that charismatic people are...

The powerful forces within you

Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson "I am addressing you upon the supposition that you are desirous of developing the forces within you, for the purpose of attaining success. Success in life depends very materially upon the possession of the...

The two great secrets of personal magnetism

Here's an interesting quote from William Walker Atkinson: "Thought-waves unaccompanied by currents of nerve-force lack force and effect, and are like cold mental power devoid of life and activity. You will grasp this idea better by reference to a common occurrence,...

Is this magnetic?

I've often receive questions of whether any particular behavior is magnetic or not. They all go along the same lines, some of them can be magnetic and some aren't.   But more than me giving you a list of magnetic or un-magnetic behaviors (I wouldn't even know where to...

Can others see your seed of magnetism?

There are many individuals who are truly beautiful. Both men and women. They have perfect symmetry in the face and proportions in the body. In fact, you open instagram and you find thousands of them who now monetize their genetic (and often surgical!) gifts. This is...

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