sexual energy

A special partner

Here's an interesting question from a student: "Do you need your partner to have high sexual energy to develop yours?" Not necessarily. You may or may not want someone with a lot of sexual energy with you. Maybe you value other traits not necessarily related to sex....

We are always projecting

We always project our energy when we speak, move, or look at someone. Everything you do it's a projection. Even if it's only by phone. Words are sounds, and as such, they carry energy and vibration. They could be infused with vitality or completely flat when energy...

Sexual results

In the previous email, I wrote about the importance of having external, real-world results as feedback for your magnetism. With sexual magnetism, this is even easier. Either you are getting sexual attraction, or you aren't. There's no other way of analyzing this. As...

Can you attract that particular person?

I often get asked if learning sexual energy can make them attract any particular person. Let's say someone they have interacted with regularly for several years. My answer is often yes, but not the way you think. Usually, this person will probably be the hardest you...

Expanding sexual energy

I often write about an essential aspect of sexual energy: the expansion, the sharing of the sexual energy and giving it away if you'd like. But the adage "fake till you make it" doesn't apply here. You can't fake expand sexual energy. Either you are doing it and...

Getting your ex back with sexual energy

One common question I have is: "How can I use sexual energy to get my ex back?" And this question has a huge problem. It comes from a needy mindset. For some reason - it doesn't matter what - the relationship ended. And now you want it back. But, even if you try to...

Sexual Energy contracting or expanding?

Sexual energy enters into a state of contraction if you are needy. You must understand why this happens. Think about what happens when you are needy. You need to grab something; keep it for yourself; consume it, and get it. All the energy movements are in the...

There are more leaks in sexual energy

Sexual energy is the energy quality that can produce more leaks and inconsistent results for most students. It's probably the hardest one to develop. Leaks happen a lot more often than in personal magnetism. Not that you don't have leaks in personal magnetism, but...

the QUALITY of sexual energy

In the previous email, we talked about the quantity of sexual energy projections. Today we will talk about quality. Your sexual energy has a certain quality to it. This is what other people feel. You may be projecting energy, but you're always getting the same type of...

The quantity of sexual energy

When you project your sexual energy, you have two distinct categories: The quantity of the energy you are projecting and the quality. Today we will understand the quantity, and in the following email, we will talk about the quality. The quantity is somewhat easy to...

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